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The QueueOct 3, 2024 11:58 am CT

The Queue: Everything is glowing and shooting at me

Shattered Space is a real paradigm shift of a DLC, it takes the standard Starfield experience and treats it like that weird cube the Cenobites have in the Hellraiser films. Now, I’m not saying it’s a genre altering masterwork — in a lot of ways, it’s as quirky and weird as Bethesda games always are. It has weird bugs and weird bugs, glowing people trying to kill me, and a whole lot of desperate people who are willing to believe their big snakey god has sent me despite all the evidence that trusting me is an absolute mistake.

It’s the Queue. I keep shooting ghosts and hoping for the best.


Brann is a soft boi, he can’t tank.

Soft bois make the best tanks.

Soft bois care about things. Caring about things makes you want to protect and shield them.

Look at that dude. He’s going to protect that kid. He may not survive, sure, but if he dies, he’ll die doing literally everything he can to keep her safe. That’s tanking at its core. You may get frustrated, you may yell why at the top of your lungs as someone pulls another trash pack, but by Aman’thul’s missing organs you’ll save that Warlock or die trying.

Bran could absolutely do it, not in spite of, but because he’s a soft boi.


I think I saw somewhere that Metaphor is 80 hours for a regular playthrough? Jeeeez.

Anyway, Atlus games are not for me. Hope y’all enjoy.

I re-maxed in RuneScape yesterday, which is fun. Haven’t played much since they added Necromancy, but we got there.

I have been reading up on Metaphor but because I mistook it for Phoenix Springs, a game I am very interested in. They are not even remotely the same and I don’t know what misconnection occurred in my fragile goo-lump inside my skull’s wetbox.

In general, I love really long games. I spent weeks playing Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, I still go back to Cyberpunk 2077 and I’ve extensively explored the ridiculous vastnesses of Starfield. All fun and good. But I never could get into the Persona games, and I find the ending of Shin Megami Tensei V so baffling that I can’t in good conscience recommend, or even try and explain it.

I mean, it’s no Drakengard leads directly into NieRbut it’s pretty close.

I have no idea what I was going for in this response and I apologize, I get flustered talking about Atlus.


My brain decided to read today’s Queue title as “Let’s Teach Brann to Cook”

What would Brann cook for us to keep us Well Fed in Delves?



Q4TQ: I listened to some music today that made think about some different WoW themed expansions. I always thought that an ancient Hindu themed expansion would be interesting. What about you?

First up, there are around 1.2 billion adherents to Hinduism. That’s a fair chunk of people to potentially tick off by portraying their religion as raid bosses for WoW players to kill for loot. Not that I wouldn’t be down for picking up the Brahmadanda, but it’s verging on worrying levels of disrespect.

So I think we should keep it safe and not make the divine beings of Hinduism into loot pinatas. I do agree that they’re very cool, but I know actual people practicing the faith right now and as one of them told me “Only we get to use our gods as the bad guys in our D&D campaign.”

Personally, I want a WoW expansion where we tour the various places in the cosmos we’ve heard of, but only visited briefly, like the various worlds the Legion was invading during Legion invasion events in Legion. And I guess I also want to say Legion at least four times.


Ah, yes. The “sudden anxiety spike out of nowhere and later realizing it’s because I drank an energy drink and the dice roll decided to go against me.” It’s not consistent at all. Nine times out of ten I can be perfectly fine, but then it happens and because it’s so infrequent I don’t realize the cause until later.

I wasn’t aware there was another option than ‘sudden anxiety spike’ and I’m incensed now.


We have this big hammer at work that we use to hit particularly rusted rims that are stuck on the car.

Today I noticed that the brand or model is called Adamant.
And that just feels like an excellent name for a legendary warhammer in D&D.

Jokes on you, this is what you’ll be getting instead. And don’t even try to stop them. They cannot be resisted.

Seriously, Adamant in D&D is a weird thing to me, because classically Adamant is diamond. So basically what the Draenei hammers look like is what an Adamant hammer should look like.

Okay, that’s the Queue. Goody two goody two goody goody two shoes.

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