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Hide From Homepage > Overwatch 2Oct 4, 2024 8:23 am CT

When does Overwatch 2 Anniversary event start for 2025?

It won’t be long until we’ll turn the page on another chapter of Overwatch 2. The third anniversary of Overwatch 2‘s release will likely fall during Season 18. I’m guessing the three-week party will kick off on September 16 and run through October 7.

As with past year, this is the time when all of the limited-time Arcade modes return for a glorious revival. Mirrorwatch was a big hit from 2024, and I’d expect that to be back for more bizarro world mayhem. Mischief and Magic has also been popular since its debut, so that seems like a strong contended to see for this next Anniversary. I’m also hoping that by the game’s third anniversary, there will be some new winners to join the rotation. Maybe a new Summer Games mode? Maybe another reimagining of player abilities to be overpowered (like Battle for Olympus) or just plain wacky (like the chaos of the 2024 April Fool’s)? We’ll have to wait and see.

I also am enjoying the formalwear skins that have been rolling out over the past several events. The sleek black, white, and gold ensembles that heroes like Tracer, Mercy, and Baptiste have gotten are a nice change of pace in the game’s cosmetics line-up. I appreciate looking classy as I destroy my foes, you know? I’m thinking Mei in a luxe faux-fur coat. Mauga, his chainguns polished to a brilliant shine, wearing gold slacks and a bedazzled headband. And the crowning glory: Moira in cream-colored tails and a top hat. Right? Right? Now is the time to go swanky, and I’m just hoping that Blizzard’s art team will continue to deliver their usual brilliance.

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