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Discussion > Video GamesOct 8, 2024 8:00 am CT

What aspects of video games’ worlds do you find odd or disconcerting?

There’s a peculiar note in the new Diablo 4 patch notes that says

A new key-binding has been added to change from run to walk.

And my immediate response was: why the heck would I ever walk in Sanctuary? If I actually lived in Sanctuary I would run non-stop because I’m sure the moment I slowed down a tad I’d be killed by some hell wolf or hornet or demon. Seriously, Sanctuary is not a place for strolling. It did get me thinking though about other aspects of gaming environments that seem normal to us in the real world are actually kinda weird to think about when in Sanctuary or Azeroth or any other medieval-ish setting.

Take the Defias, for example. Sure, it really sucks that the Stormwind nobles stiffed the masons, but that can’t possibly be worse than living in Westfall. Not just the Defias though — who are all these people on Azeroth who’ve decided that the answer to repeated invasions by Scourge and Legion and Elemental and Old Gods is to join a fringe cult? Even if your group is successful in its mission (and presuming said mission wasn’t the end of all life) that doesn’t mean there won’t be another invasion from some other antagonist in the aftermath. You might be annoyed at the Dragons for legitimate reasons but that doesn’t mean you throw in with the first Primalist cult that shows up.

Weaponry is another one of those facets of fantasy gaming that tend to bug me. Most times the weaponry of choice is identical to our own advancements, but it misses something crucial: human weaponry was designed for killing one another, not for killing ten-ton dragons or dire bears five times the weight and savagery of a Grizzly. Guild Wars 2 accidentally stumbled on this reality by making spears a universal weapon for all classes in the latest expansion, but it’s something all games should keep in mind: stop arming your patrols with swords and axes when spears and bows are by far the best option against actual monsters.

What do you think? Do you get bothered when the residents of a fantasy world don’t seem to realize they’re living in one? Or are you ok with it because you’re not weird like me? And what other examples can you think of?

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