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The QueueOct 9, 2024 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Born to be a Spirit

Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred is out and while the release was just a tad bumpy the game is playable now! Mostly!

I got a chance to preview the expansion before it released and of course I spent my time playing around with the new Spiritborn class and it’s pretty fun! For the record I went Gorilla since I tend to die to stupid things and the Gorilla spirit is the most tanky, but one of the key passives is based on swapping between the spirits by using different abilities in the rotation and I think I’m going to see if I can get that to work. I will say I enjoy Spiritborn more than Rogue — my previous main — so I’m thinking I stick with it. At least until we get Amazons in the next expansion.

While I try to find Neyrelle again, let’s answer some questions!


Q4tQ: Is the Queue quiet today because everyone is playing Diablo?

lifts head

OH RIGHT! I have a Queue to write. Thanks for the reminder!


Q4Kalcheus: What’s your favorite Marshmallow fact that you want to share with us?

I don’t know if it’s my favorite per se, but we have a brand new fact to share: Marshmallow’s middle name is S’mores, courtesy of a neighborhood kid who asked us yesterday if they could give him a middle name. I think it was a good choice.


Q4tQ: Should Warlocks have access to Mage portals? it’s not unprecedented for them to make portals

Fun fact: Warlocks have access to portals. They can cast them to wherever they want just like a Mage can. There’s only one problem: everyone is too terrified that the Warlock is going to “accidentally” send them to some demon-infested world, so no one uses them. This extends to Warlocks themselves who trust themselves just as much as the rest of us do.


A) What’s going to happen to my Sorceror’s Valor Points?

2) Is there a secret cow level yet?

4) Are rogues fun yet?

D) What are the new treasure goblins carrying?

5A) How long until we fight Diablo?

1) Good news, you get to keep them!

B) The cow level has yet to emerge, although we are keeping tabs on it. I’m still holding to my hypothesis that they’ll be a seasonal feature at some point — if you think about it, the Realmwalkers in Season 6 are the same idea as the cow level, as killing an NPC spawns a portal to a different realm. Sadly the Seething Realm is not the cow level as far as we know.

D) I enjoyed playing my Rogue at launch, so I could say it has always been fun! Unless you mean WoW rogues in which case sorry, nope not yet.

4) Not sure about the open world ones, but those in the Kurast Undercity don’t actually carry anything! Instead when you kill the Portal Pranksters there’s an extra chest for you to open after you complete the run — if you fail to complete it, I’m not sure what happens.

E1) 2029. I’m not joking. I think we’re getting three expansions (I’m including the base game as one of Mephisto’s three) for each of the Prime Evils and Diablo will be the last one we face off against.


Q4TQ: Our Man Flint or In Like Flint?

I am almost positive I’ve seen one or both of those as a wee lad, but I couldn’t tell you anything about them — I should probably rewatch them one day. I will state that I thought James Coburn (star of the series) did a fantastic job in the 1994 Maverick film.


Q4tQ: Do you try to play a spooky game in the lead up to Halloween? Any plans to do that this year, or are things too busy with all the other releases? If so, what game?

I don’t normally try to line up my gaming to reflect the current season*, but it seems to happen anyway. Last year it was House in Fata Morgana and my 2023 GOTY Slay the Princess that I was playing during the Halloween season. This month I’ll be playing Diablo 4 which has some spooky elements and I’ll be playing Slay the Princess again! No, it’s not some sort of annual ritual; the “Pristine Cut” of the game is releasing in two weeks and there are expanded paths and endings in it.

*I used to play Elf Bowling all year long, not just at Christmas.


Do you think Diablo IV needs something like WoW’s Trading Post? I’m just saying, I’d love for that game to have a regular source of unusual transmog that I didn’t have to pay for. >_<

In many ways the Season Pass in D4 is like the Trading Post: completing specific activities rewards you with items even if you don’t shell out for the premium pass. In fact this Season’s free “pirate” outfit looks pretty cool and I’ll likely work on getting the entire thing. I do understand the desire for the flexibility of the Trading Post, and the Season Pass is pretty rigid in its activities but I think that’s the best we’re going to get.


What is your favorite type of dwarf? I like the blue dwarfs that were in wotlk and haven’t been mentioned anywhere since. They were just a mystery and then never expanded upon.

I love all the types of dwarves in World of Warcraft so far, even the Skardyn (at least, the ones that are simply void-y and not full monstrosities). If I was forced to choose I’d probably go with Wildhammer simply because their aesthetic is the least trope-ish for fantasy dwarves. And they have neat tattoos! But it’s definitely a 1A and 1B and 1C and 1D and 1E (for Earthen) situation.

The Frostborn Dwarves are very cool (pun intended) but at the same time I find it weird that an amnesiac dwarf of a different race was appointed their king. Sure he killed a giant worm and had tons of martial prowess, but he still wasn’t a Frostborn. Make him general or something.

Since The Last Titan is taking us back to Northrend I do hope we get to see the Frostborn again — if we’re truly lucky we’ll get them as an Allied Race too.

That’s all the time we have for questions today, and I’m not just saying that because I want to go unlock the Spirit Hall before bed. Speaking of spirits and spookiness, Spirit City: Lofi Sessions released its Halloween update today! Go check out the new music and outfits if you’re already a fan of it. Also be sure to ask plenty of questions for Matt to answer tomorrow! Have a great day everybody!

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Filed Under: Queuenanigans

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