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The QueueOct 16, 2024 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Yes!

Life can be complicated at times, but it can also be simple if you just make an effort to take a step back and look at things from an outside perspective.

This is The Queue, your column that’s always here — at this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the internet, localized entirely within your browser of choice.


Is there a way to view your vault progress without actually going to the vault?

To quote Principal Skinner: “Yes!”

Open your map on Dornogal, find the Great Vault icon and right click it. Ta-da!

EDIT: another way to accomplish the same is to open your Group Finder / Dungeons & Raids pane, go to the Delves tab, and click the Great Vault from there. Thanks Ruka, Kalcheus, and RetPallyJil!


11.05 is next week, and has the “you can learn other class tier tokens” update for transmog, right?

To quote Principal Skinner: “Yes!”

Since I just repeated a joke but have nothing else to add this time (I hope a simple “Yes!” is a satisfactory enough answer), check out everything else that’s being added to the game on patch 11.0.5, the Big Anniversary Event patch:

New World Bosses!

Blackrock Depths reimagined as a Raid!

Timewalking added for Vanilla dungeons!

Korrak’s Revenge is back!

Bunch of new rewards to collect, and the ability to collect old rewards again as well!

Six new classes for Dracthyr!

Remade Tier 2 armor you can collect, including brand-new “Tier 2-like” armor for the classes that didn’t exist back then!

The ability to craft and fill crafting orders directly from your Warbank!

New Ascendance forms for Shaman!

And I’m sure there’s more that I’m forgetting right now. It’s a really nice patch with lots of stuff to look forward to.


My main is sitting at about ilevel 606. I’ve upgraded the veteran gear to 8/8, pretty much, but I have heroic and champion gear that I don’t have … charms? … for.

Q4tQ: is there any way I can get those lucky charms to upgrade my heroic and champion gear? Without doing Mythic, I mean.

To quote Principal Skinner: “Yes!”

Our friend SJHawk covered this really nicely in the responses, so I’m just going to highlight his super useful post for people who are in the same situation as you (I am one of them!):

Carved Crests – LFR Silken Court/Queen Ansurek, Renown levels, Normal Raid, Low M+ keys (2/3), Consolation Token x1 from Vault, Trade in 90 Weathered Crests once all pieces are 593+
Runed Crests – Normal Silken Court/Queen Ansurek, Heroic Raid, Mid M+ Keys (4-7), Consolation Token x2 from Vault, Trade in 90 Carved Crests once all pieces are 606+
Gilded Crests – Heroic Silken Court/Queen Ansurek, Mythic Raid, High M+ Keys (8+), Trade in 90 Runed Crests once all pieces are 619+

The higher crests from the last two raid bosses are in addition to the crests that raid difficulty gives normally.

So yeah, 606 seems to be a “soft cap” on gearing for players who aren’t engaging in organized content (as well as the pieces you can get from the Vault, up to 616) — but you can still find a few higher pieces here and there, in addition to those sources of Crests to upgrade what you have.


Q4tQ Any NextFest demos catch your eye to try out?

To quote Principal Skinner: “Yes!”

Starting with the one you tipped me about a couple days ago, lol. Moon Watch!

It’s described as a “Time-Control Deckbuilder,” and to me, it seems like “One Step From Eden meets Vampire Survivors” — two games that are totally my jam. I haven’t tried it just yet, but I’m excited about it.

Another one is Rift of the NecroDancer, a brand-new game following on the footsteps of Crypt of the NecroDancer and Cadence of Hyrule. (In this house we stan Cadence!) This time, the soundtrack features tracks not only by the legendary Danny Baranowsky, but also by people such as Alex Moukala, who I really like.

While on the theme of music, the music-themed Symphonia is the final one I’ve been keeping my eye on. It’s a gorgeous platformer where you play as a violinist called Philemon (though sadly I don’t think it’s the same one from the Megaten universe).

Any other questions?

In that case, take care, friends, and leave lots of questions for Matt, unless you wanna stay after school writing “I will leave more questions for The Queue next time” 300 times on the chalkboard.

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Filed Under: No, Yes

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