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The QueueOct 17, 2024 11:59 am CT

The Queue: Startled Gasp

I don’t know why I can rewatch the opening cinematic for Diablo 4 and catch new things I love every time. Small things, like the frustrated sigh and startled gasp captions when your character finds their no longer alive horse with its innards outer.

This is the Queue. Torment 1 wasn’t that hard to unlock, but I’m not looking forward to Torment 2.


Q4tQ: I killed the Butcher today and got his axe. Unfortunately, my sorcerer can’t use it and won’t get the transmog if I destroy it. If I keep it in my stash until this character moves to the eternal realm, will my barbarian be able to grab it from the stash and get the transmog? I vaguely remember reading that it works that way, but this is a unique weapon so I don’t know if anything’s different.

Yes, you can keep it in your stash until the Season ends and have your Barb break it down. You can also just roll a Barb on the Seasonal Realm and get them to the level of the axe, then have them throw it in the woodchipper. Either way works.


Dunegorger Kraulok is up this week. Fair warning that he is much, much harder to kill that previously. (He doesn’t really do that much damage, but it takes a while to whittle down his health).
Also, he’s still really cheap with dishing out the alpacas. 8 million kills and still nothing. (Maybe not actually be 8 million kills, but it has to be close at this point…)

It’s because your avatar is a European Badger (Meles meles) and not an American Badger (Taxidea Taxus) and as long as that continues, that alpaca will never drop for you.

Even now your betrayal of the Americas, the shared homeland of American Badgers and Alpacas, festers in the primordial web. Soon, it will be so rank that you will lose the ability to even know what an Alpaca is.


I was once in a job interview and couldn’t quite hear something the interviewer said, but the way I said “huh?” made it sound like I wasn’t listening.
I could tell his whole demeanor changed after that interaction – I didn’t get the job.

I do not have eidetic or photographic memory. But I do remember certain things — usually embarrassing or unpleasant ones — with great clarity. So I remember this exchange for a job interview to teach at a private school.

Interviewer: So what do you think is your greatest weakness?

Me: Bullets. I am vulnerable as Pirate Ghosts* to those things.

He didn’t laugh and I didn’t get hired.


*Pirate Ghosts is replacing a common swear word that means to engage in sexual intercourse.


About an hour ago I got up to make myself a sandwich and struggled so much to get up and down the stairs because I can’t put any weight on my right leg.

Now I got up to take a shower and… my leg feels fine. A little sore maybe but no major pain.
People don’t heal this fast, do they?
(I haven’t actually gotten around to taking any pain meds yet)

I am not a doctor, but I am a chronic pain sufferer. So I can at least tell you that it’s quite possible to feel pain that is either intense enough or lasts long enough that your brain essentially creates a filter and you no longer feel it as strongly. This also works with unpleasant smells and sounds. This is why people who have lived in a house next to an Airport often get used to the sound of giant airliners landing and taking off, why people can live next to a rendering plant and not notice the smell, etc.

So it may simply be that your brain wasn’t ready when you went to make a sandwich, or was suffering temporary hypoalgesia after that in an attempt to cope. It’s best to assume the damage is still there and make every attempt not to worsen it through overstressing it.


Q4tQ Which character should I level to 80 next? Choices are Draenei Ele Shaman, NElf Demon Hunter or Dark Iron Warrior (for those concerned about Alliance bias, my 80s are currently 1 Alliance, 3 Horde).

Have you considered a Velociraptor mongoliensis Paladin?

Otherwise, I’d say Demon Hunter.


why the hell would anyone draw guys, eeew
guys are gross

It’s like they said in Mass Effect 2 about Haggis.

Sometimes, they look like this, and I’m sorry, ain’t nothing gross about that.



Took a while but finally figured out why I”m seeing so many people on twitter posting bluesky links

Sounds like a mix of the changes to blocking and a new EULA that basically says “by uploading art you’re giving us the right to use it freely however we want, including training AI models”

Could this be the true death knell for the site

Thanks for reminding me to cut that particular tree down.

Anyway, here’s my Bluesky — https://bsky.app/profile/matthewrossi.bsky.social

Okay, that’s the Queue. I’m gonna go Barbarian some more.

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