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WoWOct 21, 2024 10:00 am CT

How to get to the Caverns of Time to join the World of Warcraft 20th Anniversary celebration

The World of Warcraft 20th Anniversary arrives with patch 11.0.5 and runs until January 6, 2025, and there are a host of new events for players to participate in. As in the previous five years the festivities will be held at the Caverns of Time in Tanaris, although now they will be outside the front entrance rather than all the way down at the bottom of the Caverns — the Steward of Time taxi NPC should enjoy the break. If you haven’t logged into World of Warcraft for awhile though you may wonder what’s the fastest way to get to the festivities, and fortunately both factions have portals that lead to the entrance of the Caverns of Time.

The portals are located as expected in the respective Portal Rooms of the Alliance and Horde — if you’re adventuring in Khaz Algar you can quickly access them from the Foundation Hall in Dornogal. The Alliance portal to the Caverns of Time is located at the northwest end of the first portal floor, nestled between the Exodar and Shattrath portals. If you’re facing the exit of the Portal Room, it’s to your left.

The Horde have a slightly longer journey within their Portal Room to get to the Caverns of Time portal, as it’s located in the basement of the Portal room between the Shattrath and Ashran portals. If you’re facing the exit of the Portal Room, head towards the exit and take the passage on the right down the stairs. The portal is directly opposite the bottom of the staircase.

Once you’ve arrived at the Caverns of Time you’ll be facing the outside and the Anniversary events will be directly in front of you. Start off by visiting the event coordinator Yllana standing in the center of the main pavilion, she’ll have some quests to help get you started with the festivities.

Of course if you have other means of reaching the Caverns of Time in eastern Tanaris without traveling to the capital — for example, the Ultrasafe Transporter: Gadgetzan — you’re free to do so, but for most players the Portal Room will be the fastest access point to the 20th Anniversary Celebration.

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