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Discussion > WoWOct 22, 2024 8:00 am CT

How much World of Warcraft content is too much at one time?

Balloons shaped like "20"

World of Warcraft‘s 20th anniversary event is nearly here, and if that made you feel ancient, it’s probably time for an annual checkup; also, go drink some water. We’re getting tons of content for the anniversary event — blast levels on alts with the 20% buff, revisit the Blackrock Depths with Moira Thaurissan, blast through classic dungeons, earn some truly fantastic rewards (including a beautiful blue phoenix), and more. But does it mean ignoring regularly scheduled content?

Now, The War Within Season 1 started about six weeks ago — certainly long enough for big-name guilds to clear Mythic Nerub-ar Palace and/or earn Keystone Master (if not Keystone Hero) by now, right? Well, a large portion of the player base (my guild included) is still progressing in through Heroic for Ahead of the Curve, and we’ll probably be working on it for a while longer.

Does this mean anniversary content is a distraction from progression? Not really.

Blackrock Depths and Classic Timewalking should be a source of equivalent upgrades — you’re not missing out on gear by running the limited-time content. Additionally, the chance to earn Tier 2 appearances and a collection of cosmetics matching Blizzard Service Awards is a delight for any transmog fiend. The War Within will still be there when the celebration wraps up, ready to pull me back into its spidery embrace (ew).

Having this many choices isn’t a bad problem. The anniversary event is super exciting and marks 18 years in Azeroth for me (yes, my account is old enough to vote). It’s just also hard to remember in the face of anticipatory FOMO and choice paralysis that WoW is a game I play for fun at the end of the day, and I should do what activities I enjoy without agonizing over missing out.

Either way, the content machine grinds forward and drags us along whether or not we’re ready. TWW Season 2 will be here before we know it, even if it seems like we just started Season 1! Enjoy the anniversary, play what brings you happiness, and remember to take a few deep breaths somewhere in there if you start panicking because video games are not worth that level of stress.

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