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The QueueOct 24, 2024 11:57 am CT

The Queue: I wish that I had Karlach’s hair

Where can I find a Fauxhawk like that, I want Karlach’s hair.


I’m not sick (I think) but I’m still tired even after sleeping 9 hours.

I’m in this comment and I don’t like it.


I love the Coreway

it gives me the same vibe I got from the tunnels in Dun Morogh

combined with the vibe I got from the underwater tunnel in the Coilfang Reservoir that lead you to the instances

Red, I’m almost shocked at how often you and I manage to powerfully and painfully disagree on a subject. But in this case, I honestly think you may be right. The Coreway does have some sort of evocative quality of other Dwarven/Earthen construction projects.

It would be kind of interesting if it later turns out that the Titanforged Watchers used the root system of the first World Tree (the one we found about at the end of Dragonflight) to create a massive series of tunnels and the Coreway is just one tributary of that network.


Are the realmwalkers we fight in the season the same type of monster we fight in pandamonium in diablo 3?

Yes. They are directly intended to be (and even visually resemble quite a bit) the creatures we see in Pandemonium in Diablo 3. These particular ones are not free roaming like those were, but are instead in the service of Mephisto — perhaps deliberately, perhaps through enslavement.


daaaang, just earlier today I learned that Yuzo Koshiro arranged Psycho Soldier for Smash and I was jamming endlessly to it..

now I also learn that Yoko Shimomura arranged Inifinte Azure for Smash ;_;

This is the ultimate Smash version of a song from another game in the history of the universe. It’s almost as good at this one from Starlink: Battle for Atlaswhich is surprisingly Starfox adjacent. The Starlink version is too short, though.

Do a barrel roll everyone.


Q4tQ: What do you think the odds are that next patch we get more Delves, and zero of them are underwater nightmares? Even if you take the issue of having to constantly fight for air out of things, I’m constantly having issues with the Z axis in those Delves: Shadow Crash not putting DoT’s on mobs yet pulling them, mobs sinking through the earth, and sometimes Brann just vanishing only to reappear with an extra dozen enemies with him.

I’m sure we would all be happy if that were to happen.

However, I expect we will instead see several more aquatic delves just to mess with us.


Yay, my copy of War of Immortals came!

Also, yay for the USPS Informed Delivery! Paizo’s shipping is only slightly more usable than their website, so this lets me know when I should start an excavation into the package room!

This is my favorite part of the book so far because it makes me really want to run a Diablo campaign in Pathfinder 2e.

I mean, basically Diablo as a series is a Mythic campaign, with ridiculously powerful entities like Demon Lords and spirits of ancient saints and Archangels running around creating humanity and all that. The Nephalem of Diablo aren’t the same as these Nephilim, but it’s close enough, and you could totally play around with the idea of entities from the Spirit Realm and other places coming to Sanctuary seeking to escape the Eternal Conflict. I mean, Covetous Shen’s whole backstory involves gods and spirits.

Just in terms of power, the characters we play in Diablo games tend to do thing like explode entire rooms full of walking dead, unleash powers so great that they shatter the ground and drag down the sky to kill their enemies. I really think this could be a good fit.

Okay, that’s the Queue for today! Liz is up next, ne nice everyone.

And when I’m gone, remember me for stealing this haircut.

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