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WoW > WoW ClassicOct 29, 2024 9:00 am CT

It’s a totally normal maintenance day for retail WoW — The War Within servers are now online!

It’s Tuesday, which means it’s maintenance day for North American realms: but today’s WoW downtime is a completely normal one hour maintenance, which ended just on time. The War Within servers are now online! This maintenance came with some nice changes, including increased drop rates for Bronze Celebration Tokens, the anniversary currency. These dropped in paltry sums, with a buff to drop rates after you collected your first hundred tokens — something that wasn’t possible during the first week, when you could get a maximum of 61 tokens. The significantly increased drop rate should make it easier to pick up any anniversary rewards you want without a substantial grind. Be sure to check with Guest Relations on your next trip to Tanaris, as this event just went live on Monday, offering a fun way to collect some extra tokens.

WoW Classic servers share the same downtime, with servers offline from 7am to 8am pacific, and no particular changes expected when they come back up. Cataclysm Classic, however, has a longer maintenance, with servers down for a full eight hours: Cataclysm Classic servers will be offline from 7am to 3pm pacific. This lengthy maintenance accompanies the rollout of more Phase 3 content, including new Elemental Rune Dungeons (complete with plenty of loot) and updated high resolution graphics.

For most of us, that’s not a bad Tuesday, and for Cataclysm players hopefully the new content will be worth the wait. I’ll keep you all updated here on the status of today’s maintenance as it progresses. Happy Tuesday, everyone!

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