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The War Within > WoWOct 30, 2024 10:00 am CT

The easiest ways to earn Bronze Celebration Tokens during WoW’s anniversary event

World of Warcraft’s 20th Anniversary Celebration is well underway, and if you’re hoping to acquire all of the collectible items from the event then you’ve got your work cut out for you. It will cost you nearly 500 Bronze Celebration Tokens if you want to snag all of the mounts, pets, toys, and cosmetics.

The World of Warcraft 20th anniversary event ends on January 7 at server reset, so if you need anything, you have to get it done soon! Here’s what to do with your Bronze Celebration Tokens before the event finishes.

Luckily, the event currency rewards for many quests and activities has been significantly increased from the amounts given at the start of the event. We’re talking a 400-800% boost from week one, which should allow players to earn all the bronze they need without spending the next two full months trudging to Tanaris at every log-in.

The blue post that came along with the drop rate buff explains that players should be able to get all the tokens they need by playing the content they enjoy. The result is that a massive amount of event currency drops from all of the weekly activities in The War Within. You can earn easy tokens from these events, now in higher quantities:

  • 10 for Weekly Quests in Dornogal – Delves, Call of the Worldsoul, Archive, Bonus Holiday weekly
  • 8 for the weekly activities around Khaz Algar – that’s the Theater Troupe, Awakening the Machine, Spreading the Light, Azj’Kahet Pact, Special Assignments, Khaz Algar world bosses, and Wax Collecting
  • 15 for killing Queen Ansurek in Nerub-ar Palace

If you’re not opposed to switching over to your PVP gear, you can also grab 15 tokens from the Conquest and Rated PVP weekly and 8 from the Honor, War Mode, and Brawl weeklies.

If you’re interested in the rewards but not the celebration itself, it is now possible to set foot in the event grounds just once — to spend all of the Bronze Celebration Tokens that you acquired back on Khaz Algar over several weeks of running end-game content that you were going to do anyway. However, you can speed things up by actually participating in the activities outside of the Caverns of Time.

There is just the one daily quest, Celebrate Good Fun!, which rewards 3 tokens. There are also several weekly event quests, each of which also rewards 3 tokens:

  • Event World Bosses
  • Chromie’s Codex
  • Classic Timewalking Dungeons
  • Defeating Emperor Thaurissan in Blackrock Depths
  • Earning 500 Honor in Korrak’s Revenge

Once you have earned 100 tokens across all sources, you’ll unlock the Token Collector achievement. This will enable further tokens to drop from the repeatable event activities, including:

  • Classic Timewalking Dungeon completions
  • Timewalking Blackrock Depths bosses
  • Event World Bosses
  • Codex of Chromie competitions
  • Daily quests in Korrak’s Revenge

In essence, the new buffs to the currency drop rate take the edge off of getting your first 100 tokens. There isn’t one best strategy for getting all of the bronze you’ll need as quickly as possible. Instead, you can keep to your play style and still earn enough currency for a respectable amount of anniversary souvenirs without getting stuck in a months-long event grind.

Is the 20th anniversary celebration not really your thing? Just make sure you keep up on your Khaz Algar weekly checklist. Take advantage of the experience boost to level some alts, and don’t forget things you might have started skipping over if you’ve already out-geared the rewards (like Special Assignments). Well before the end of the event you’ll have enough bronze saved up to buy out the event vendors.

Do you need a break from spelunking through the same old weekly activities from The War Within? Once you collect your first 100 tokens, it will be much easier to feel like you’re earning enough event currency just by timewalking, slaying out-of-time world bosses, and helping Chromie repair the damage from her timeway shenanigans (yet again).

Originally published October 30, 2024; updated January 6, 2025.

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