The Queue: Spooky scary skeletons live inside our meat bodies

I feel like I don’t know how to Halloween very well. Still, it kind of freaks me out to realize that I have a skeleton inside me waiting to lurch around in stop motion.
Q4tQ Are you dressing up for Halloween? What’s your costume?
As I just mentioned, I am merely a slowly decaying sack of flesh that one day will shudder itself apart, decay, be feasted upon by worms and then only my skeleton itself will remain to rise and stagger across the land at the behest of dark forces.
So honestly, how am I supposed to top that? What costume could I possibly create that would beat that? I am already the most horrible thing I can imagine.
I guess I could go as sexy slowly decaying sack of flesh that one day will shudder itself apart, decay, be feasted upon by worms then only skeleton itself will remain to rise and stagger across the land at the behest of dark forces? What would that need, like, a body con dress or something? I’m not good at Halloween.
As someone that owns their own WoW sever blade, I’d be down with playing a complete version offline.
I know you meant server blade and it was just a typo, but man, I am delighted to imagine you as some kind of unholy revenant wandering the earth on, let’s say the cute rat mount that can fly, wearing black armor lit with hellish green fire and swinging your server blade around decapitating fools.
Also, I honestly wonder what an offline sandbox WoW would feel like.
Here’s how the announcement of 10.0.7 has impacted my predictions
Going to raise the “Undermine in 11.0” dial back up. Turns out the foreshadowing that contradicted this prediction was for 10.0.7 rather than 11.0.
The Naga are present, so the Azshara dial will be raised a few notches. Definitely don’t expect her to rise to prominence until Midnight, but this could start laying that groundwork.
The Pirates showing up means the Nightsquall might make an appearance. Apparently the guy wasn’t actually intended to be a major character when his backstory was introduced, but with all the speculation he drove I suspect Blizzard will go ahead and make him one.
For the fate of the Kirin Tor, I think they might decide that having a “city of magic” is more of a vulnerability then it’s worth. Instead they’ll become a sovereign order (holding no territory to speak of but not being under the dominion of any one nation), committed to sharing their knowledge with those who would use it to safeguard Azeroth and setting up little enclaves all around the world.
My responses:
Still pretty dubious about Undermine/Goblins in TWW. Maybe in Midnight. Especially since I think Midnight might actually come out earlier than we might expect.
Definitely agree about Azshara and the Naga snooping around. I think, with N’Zoth out of the way and Xal’atath drawing all of the attention, we’ll start seeing some moves on her part. After all, she never formally abdicated from her position as Queen of All Elves, did she?
More Nightsquall? Could be, but as much as I love the idea of a salty Night Elf seadog, I have no idea how much time they have for this kind of sidetrack considering all the stuff going on right now. We’ll find out. I would be down to see him show up though.
Personally, I think it’s time to end the Kirin Tor. Or at least radically rebuild it, abandon the roots in Dalaran and the humanocentric nature of the organization and become something greater. Your ideas interest me, but at the same time, if you change something enough it might as well be an entirely new organization, in my opinion.
Q4tQ: Have you ever used “The Look” on someone?
I am so completely and utterly incapable of perceiving, much less deliberately attempting to evoke romantic interest or attraction in another person, that my wife actually had to tell me that the person she was telling another friend of ours about being in love with was me.
“I saw you talking to (person) about being in love with someone he knows. But besides me who do you and (person) even both know?”
Her — Long, long, LONG stare.
“Okay, sorry, I guess it was none of my busi…”
She may not have actually said that. But that was the gist.
So as you can see, if I ever used ‘The Look” on someone, it was entirely accidental and I was probably just thinking about dinosaurs.
Anyone missing tendies this morning? My son logged on to find his 4k tendies completely gone.
My transmog money?
If not for my dedication to finish the Queue, I would probably have the vapors right now.
Q4tQ: Of the four weekly reward activities (Theater Troupe, Awakening the Machine, Spreading the Light, and Severed Threads), which is your favorite and which is your least favorite? Or do you feel about the same toward all of them?
Theatre Troupe has a real tendency to not work for me, so it’s my least favorite. I think I’d have to go with Severed Threads, but honestly I’m not really that big into any of them.
My brain seems to have failed tonight. After all these years, I can’t remember how to bring up the list of people in a BG.
That’s your brain trying to protect you, Boven.
Okay, so that’s the Queue for this Halloween 2024. I’ll see you next week on a much less portentious day. At least I hope so.
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