The Queue: A whole age of Dragons?

In this economy?!
While I try and scrape together a hoard, it’s time for — The Queue!
Q4TQ: who should I level to 80 next.
a) Night Elf Hunter (Survival)
b) Void Elf Rogue (Outlaw)
c) Pandaren Warrior (Arms)
d) Dracthyr Evoker (Devastation)
e) Night Elf Druid (Balance)
Well, Dragons seem to be on a lot of peoples brains right now, so I’d say your Dracthyr! Besides, if you didn’t I’m sure it’d be devastated.
Plus your Night Elf Hunter will probably find some way to survive not being picked yet.
Sadly, your Night Elf Hunter feels like you should have balance in all things and is very confused about why you haven’t picked it.
Your Void Elf thinks that other characters should be outlawed.
While your Pandaren is ready to take up arms against you.
Boy, am I glad you didn’t have a Warlock left to suggest, I would’ve been driven to destruction to find a pun for Demonology — and I couldn’t just leave it alone, I have an affliction!
Chili cheese pirogi for lunch was a mistake. I see that now.
There are a lot of foods that I’ve had that could be considered mistakes. At least a third of the milkshake flavor combos I get from the local shake shack don’t work half as well as I want them to. How did coca mocha and pumpkin spice not work together?!!?
That being said, I absolutely refuse to believe that chili cheese pirogi was a mistake. That just sounds too delicious! You must’ve eaten it wrong.
Q4TQ: Is the new Dragon Age any good, is it as good as Dragon Age Origins, is this another Bioware/EA disaster?
Liz seems to really like it! Or at least is still playing a lot of it. So ask her again on Friday. I haven’t been paying the most attention to what she’s been putting in Discord about it since I’m sure I’ll play it someday and I want to avoid spoilers as much as possible.
Q4tQ: Do you think we’ll we see Timerunning return in 2025?
If so, will it be Mists again? Or some other expansion?
I’m sure that it’ll come back. It was too much of a success not to. We’re already seeing Plunderstorm return, and I’d say that people liked ReMists a little bit more than it.
I think that Cataclysm wouldn’t work so well for it, since it’s too spread out, but I could see a strong case made for either Wrath of the Lich King, Legion, or Warlords of Draenor.
Wrath has some of the most iconic fights in the game between Yogg Saron and Arthas and lots of possible recolors and mounts to collect. We could also see the return of the Black and Plagued Proto-drakes which would make Proto-drake collectors very happy.
Legion has the Class Halls which would make for a good reason for players to make lots of characters and spend a whole bunch of time in it.
Warlords is a bit of a dark horse, as I know that there are a lot of strong player feelings around it — but the leveling experience was excellent! My biggest complaint is that there was just a scarcity of content after we got to max level. Maybe a ReWarlords would let them add in some of the rumored cut Shattrath content.
QftQ: Where (instead of Arathi) would YOU put Plunderstorm 2: Electric Boogaloo?
Un’Goro crater.
It’s a nice round shape for shrinking the storm, and you get fun dinosaurs, elementals, and magical crystal keepers to fight. I think it makes as much sense for Plundering as Arathi does, Pirates are always going to weird jungles in search of magical doodads.
Maybe they could do a little iterating on the abilities too, give them more of a zone flavor with evolution like we saw in the Hearthstone Un’goro expansion.
Bacardi is doing his best dragon impression since he hears it’s so hot right now. The good news for you is that he’s already got his pile of loot to sleep on. So I’m sure that if you compliment the sharpness of his teeth and claws he might let you burgle a piece or two in your Great Vault.
Today’s Anna Earworm: The Emptiness Machine
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