The Queue: Unfortunately, it is Monday

Somehow, Monday has returned.
Wait, have I made that joke before? That’s the problem with Mondays — they don’t have you performing at your best. This is why I’m so sad to report that today is once again Monday. I know I know, I can’t quite believe it either.
If only science could stop working on all of those robots and cars and robot cars and focus on defeating our greatest evil, Monday.
While I try to get ahold of a top scientist in the anti-Monday field, it’s time for — The Queue!
Dear Cory,
Do you have any transmog suggestions for Dracthyr Evokers? I have so much trouble finding shoulders and belts that match my bronze scales while also matching whatever other transmog I’m wearing. As a bear, I’m sure you have similar transmog conundrums, so frequently existing as a transmog-free bear. Do you have any fashion advice for the dragon on the go?
For best results just go with what makes you feel the best and ignore everyone else’s opinion. That’s unfortunately, the only surefire way to win the Transmog game forever.
Barring that with such a specific and unchanging base color of bronze, you’re best to focus on whatever color you like that also is a complimentary color to bronze. Red, blue, and black are all good examples that should let your scales work alongside the armor pieces. If you stay away from the effects heavy pieces and neon colors you’ll also avoid drowning out your scales with the armor. Maybe zone and questing sets instead of tier and raid.
Just make your weapon match and you’ll be good!
Of course, if all of that still doesn’t work, just try slapping a Naga on your head.
Q4tQ: do you have “I play this when I don’t have anything to do” games? Asking because I usually play HSBGs when I realize I’ve been spinning my wheels clicking from one site to another but not actually doing anything, but that game has gotten so frustrating for me that I think I need to find something different.
I like little games that don’t require much thought in them. Diablo is a good example or any ARPG like it. They’re just mindless loot and shoot kinda games. If you’re looking to avoid something that you might feel drawn into too much, you could go with something even simpler. I have Islanders for that chill puzzle vibe.
Islanders lets you plop down little buildings on an island for points. As you plop your buildings, you get more buildings, and if you get enough buildings you can eventually move onto another island. Keep going until you can’t earn enough points from plopping buildings and then say “Wow! I sure made some great islands, let’s do that again.”
Gingerbread cookies and blue cheese.
How dare you sir, right here on the internet for all to see. You’re on thin ice bucko.
Q4TQ: Time is money, friend? Y/N
No, money is money. Time is time. I thought it was obvious. Let me know if you need any help with other concepts.
Q4Cory/other Canadians:
Without Thanksgiving in November as a firm seasonal demarcation, what is considered the start of the Christmas season for y’all? December 1?
You say firm seasonal demarcation like that means anything anymore. Even the firm Halloween line has been bending recently as stores put out Christmas decorations and snacks earlier and earlier every year. I’m personally ok with decorations starting to go up as long as they wait until after Remembrance Day on November 11th. Everything after that can feel Christmassy, especially if we’ve gotten a bunch of snow.
At work, they put up big Christmas trees in all of the hotel banquet hallways and meeting rooms — that helps too. At some point, lots of stores all swap to Christmas music, and that’s happened as of a week and a bit ago, so maybe the November 20 area. A little more than a month of Christmas all told feels about right. I don’t begrudge it for Halloween, so why not Christmas?
What sort of cars would the NPC All-Stars drive?
I think Illidan would go for something straightforward, but flashy; like a Hellcat Charger. Malfurion would have something weird like a Volkswagen Thing.
Genn is definitely in a Rolls, but I think Jaina would arrive in an Aston-Martin
Agree? Disagree? Other suggestions?
- Gazlowe: Immortan Joe’s car from Fury Road.
- Illidan: An aftermarket souped-up Subaru Impreza, but still very flashy with green neon underlighting.
- Malfurion: One of the new electric VW vans that he gets a Shaman to recharge for him.
- Thrall: A jeep. Just a standard Jeep.
- Garrosh: An F-350 with dual rear wheels, an extended cab, and rolling coal. He’d never haul anything in it.
- Baine: An old Toyota truck that he worked on with Cairne. Unlike Garrosh he does help his friends move with it.
- Jaina: A Porsche SUV, in a nice frosty white.
- Genn: A Rolls or an Aston Martin. He’d hate the James Bond accusations with the Aston Martin since he’s a real hero and Bond is just a character, but secretly he’d like to be that cool.
- Gallywix: A big pink Cadillac like Elvis had, only with the bull horns.
Here is Bacardi refusing to move out of my chair so I can write the Queue. His stubbornness eventually gave way to my bribery, which is how things normally go. Just know that Bacardi will fight just as hard for your Great Vaults this week. So you should be good as long as the universe doesn’t offer him some tasty goo on a spoon.
Today’s Anna Earworm™: Too Sweet
That’s all folks, I’ll see you next week! In the meantime make sure to leave lots of questions for the other Queue writers!
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