The Queue: Trinity Fusion

Trinity Fusion is the most recent game I’ve played to completion, and it’s quite the fun one. A metroidvania more akin to Metroid than to the (Castle)vania, it’s about sci-fi worlds that need to be merged in order to be saved — and you’re one of the few with avatars on all four of the worlds and therefore you get to play the hero. The main deviation from the standard formula is that it also embraces the rogue-lite formula popularized by games like Hades. Explore, die, repeat — but with the opportunity to play as different a person each time.
The story is a little light and sometimes it felt like the game did a poor choice of explaining what your current task was, but the gameplay, graphics and sound are amazing. I struggled with it more than typical because of its rogue-lite nature — having to reset each time I died ran counter to my standard metroidvania tactic of banging my head against a boss until I finally got it down — but eventually I was able to defeat the big bads and save the worlds. I’m looking forward to revisiting it when more free DLC is released (there have been two so far), but now I’m content to play something else for a bit.
While I download Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Mega Mix+ let’s answer some questions!
Here’s a question for your next Queue: Have you continued to read the Locked Tomb series and have you found the subsequent books as good as Gideon the Ninth? I gotta say the third one was tough to get through for me, and maybe it’s just because it’d been so long since I read the first two, or maybe it was just to much of a departure from what I loved about Gideon — either way I didn’t enjoy it as much.
I have continued reading the series and check Amazon weekly for Alecto the Ninth preorders. While Gideon the Ninth is probably still the best, I did really enjoy Harrow the Ninth so I don’t find there to be any loss in quality.
Nona the Ninth definitely suffered for being the novel in the series that actually explained what the heck was going on but it was sorely needed. It also was probably hurt by the fact that it was originally just the opening chapters of the forthcoming Alecto finale. That said, it had one of the greatest lines in literary history:
“Friendship bracelets,” she fairly shouted. “They’re wearing friendship bracelets.”
So yeah that made it totally worthwhile.
Q4tQ: Anyone have any recommendations for things to do in Philly? PAX will take up the majority of my time, but I’m hoping to squeeze in the Christmas market as well as running up the Rocky steps the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Oddly enough despite growing up in New Jersey and spending the first twenty-six years of my life in easy driving distance of the City of Brotherly Love I’ve only been to Philly once and that wasn’t a tourist-y visit. So while I can’t attest to the worth of visiting the following places, these are the stops I’d make if I was going:
- Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell is a must-visit, if only just to sing all the songs from 1776.
- You mentioned the Museum of Art and I too would walk slowly up the steps to go there as well. There’s an early Thomas Cole painting on display so I’d make a beeline for that gallery.
- Sadly the weather is probably too cold for outdoor stuff so I don’t think I’d go to the Philadelphia Zoo. I would if it was a better time of the year to do so.
- Finally I’d stop at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University instead of the Franklin Institute as it’s more my favored flavor of science, but they’re close enough that I’d likely hit both.
If anyone else has recommendations be sure to let Arthonos know!
Q4whoever: Would it kill Blizz to finally add some tauren kids that aren’t basket babies or shrunken adult models?
Yeah it’s weird that they still haven’t added child models for Tauren, Dwarves, and a few other races. I get that it’s work, but they’ve added plenty of child models already, why not complete the roster? Shrunken adults just look wrong.
Speaking of kids …
Isn’t it downright weird that we know absolutely nothing about Malfurion and Illidan’s parents? I think it is. Heck, even Tyrande just dropped out of the sky.
Maybe Kaldorei just fall from World Trees like acorns?
Extremely weird. It’s also tied into the problem of “10,000 years ago” that vexes all of Azeroth’s history. We know the Dark Trolls evolved into Elves starting about 15,000 years ago when they discovered the Well of Eternity and while they weren’t immortal for another five thousand years we know they were virtually immortal due to being long-lived. So how many generations of Elves could even have existed before they received immortality with the blessing of Nordrassil? Two? How’s that even enough time for cultural norms to develop? Azshara and Illidan were thought to be big deals because they were born with golden eyes but how had that even become a thing? Was there one lucky kid born in the year 14,000 BtDP and that was enough?
Frankly the entire Elf history is a mess. Maybe one day it’ll get a treatment like War of the Scaleborn — which tried its best to suss out some of the incongruities of the Dragon history — and we’ll actually meet Momfurion and Illidad.
Q4tQ: How long do you think it will take for dracthyr to get new armor options in dragon form? Since it is something that has to be changed in the barber shop, will they have to wait years for their turn in the rotation of cosmetic updates?
I’m not expecting it to happen any time soon, to be honest. You may get lucky and get new color combos at some point, but new armor entirely to wear? That feels unlikely especially with their being so many other races that need attention. Throw in the fact that many players prefer the non-dragon form and I can’t imagine it being higher than last on the list of planned appearance changes.
What are your top 3 pet families in WoW?
This is an exceedingly tough question. I’m going to go with what I normally tend to tame first:
- Wolves
- Bears
- Foxes
I know the choices aren’t very flashy, but I always start with simplicity until I know for sure there’s a preference for the hunter (like Lizards for a Vulpera hunter, or the Korthian Scalehide model my second main likes to use). I also have a tendency to use Cats (not the musical) as a ferocity choice when Wolves don’t feel suitable, but those tend to be named ones like Lytfang the Lost.
That’s all the space and time for questions we have today! Things get hectic at the end of the year so be sure to take care of yourself — stay hydrated, get plenty of rest, and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it! Be sure to ask plenty of questions for Matt, and I’ll see you next time!
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