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When is The War Within patch 11.1.5 release date — and what’s in it?

World of Warcraft has maintained a solid content cadence ever since the start of Dragonflight and the recently-revealed 2025 roadmap for The War Within demonstrates there’s no suggestion it’ll stop any time soon. It is already known that patch 11.0.7 will be arriving the week of December 17 and that patch 11.1 — featuring our first journey to the Undermine — will be coming early in 2025 during the week of February 25. The following patch would be patch 11.1.5 and we forecast The War Within patch 11.1.5 will launch the week of April 15, 2025. 

Patch release consistency has improved over the past year so a default expectation of seven to eight weeks between patches seems like a safe bet. While the predicted interval between patch 11.0.7 and patch 11.1 is nine weeks, as X.X.5 patches are typically smaller than the major tier patches we’re thinking a seven week interval to be more likely especially with how much content is due through the Autumn. Eight weeks isn’t entirely out of the question, however, so a release the week of April 22 would not surprise us.

What’s in patch 11.1.5?

As one of the minor patches there’s not much currently on the roadmap for patch 11.1.5. Besides an update to the Children’s Week holiday — could this finally be the year that School of Hard Knocks is reimagined or removed? —  there’s only two listings of note coming so far with the patch.

New story content is pretty much always a given, but the reveal that it’s titled Nightfall is basically a reminder that despite all the Goblin antics we’ll be dealing with in patch 11.1, Xal’atath is still the biggest player moving pieces on the board for our characters to come into conflict with. While Alleria stymied her most recent gambit she’s certain to return and drive the narrative forward. How she plans to do so may be suggested by the other item on the list: Horrific Visions Revisited.

For those who didn’t play or don’t remember Battle for Azeroth, Horrific Visions were an attempt to add a rogue-lite game mode to WoW. Players would run Horrific Visions of Orgrimmar and Stormwind each week in order to improve their gear and empower their Legendary cloak provided by our friend Wrathion. Runs would become easier over time, although there was enough randomness to the proceedings that it wasn’t a simply matter of scaling difficulties — some challenges were downright annoying. While some players enjoyed them, others hated the fact that they were essentially required for progression reasons. It’ll be interesting to see how the criticisms from the first time around are addressed, and what lessons from other experimental game modes (especially Plunderstorm) could be a factor.

Originally published December 10, 2024. Updated February 11, 2025.

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Filed Under: Patch 11.1.5

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