The Queue: Something

Some days you just don’t have anything to really say. It’s the holidays, things are busy.
Here’s a picture of a Murloc Marine.
While y’all are distracted by that, it’s time for — The Queue!
Q4tQ: what do you think of post-credit scenes in video games? I know they’re largely expected in certain types of movies these days, but they’re not as common in games. I figure as long as the game automatically goes to the scene if the credits get skipped, it’s probably all right, but it’s a bummer to have something that people might miss. Especially if it takes a long time to beat the final boss or otherwise actually reach the credits.
Wait, aren’t video game post-credit scenes just DLC?
Ok ok, sure there are some games that have had little teasers after their credits roll, I’m pretty sure I’ve even played one or two, but their names escape me. I do know that I’ll usually sit there and let the credits play out if I’ve finished a game, extra scene or not! Sometimes it’s just nice to sit there and decompress after wrapping everything up. Sometimes there’s fun concept art and music.
Oh, Halo had them if you could finish everything on Legendary! Now I remember, they were all about as substantial as you’d expect from a post-credit scene. One had a tease of Master Chief’s helmet coming off only for the camera to just move enough to cover up his face. So I don’t think I would’ve missed out on anything by not seeing that.
All games should just have a cinematic replayer though, it would make things so much easier, and you could not worry about missing anything. You could wrap your game up, and then be like “Huh, why is there an unviewed cinematic here.” Then there’d be less chance of missing it.
Q4TQ: have you ever been elected president of the heavyweight division of the United Kingdom’s Pankration Association (amateur branch)?
This feels like something that I’m not eligible for since I’m not from the UK. So no. Thanks for reminding me.
It’s not like I go around asking if you’ve been crowned Canadian Maple Syrup Chugging King of Moosejaw every day and reminding you of the glory that will forever be out of your reach.
Is it just me or is Disqus eating anyone else’s exclamation points
Not mine!
Well, this isn’t in Disquis so maybe, but if it was I’d be mighty pupset. I love my exclamation points! Even if Liz makes fun of me for using too many of them, and Anna says that overuse leads to them having less impact… Whatever, it’s not like they’re the editors or boss of me!
Wait, they are?
I’m still gonna use my exclamation points! They’re my emotional support punctuation! You wouldn’t take em-dashes away from Mitch — would you? I can’t help being excited about things and wanting to convey that through text.
Question for the Queue: Favorite Blizzard franchise character and why?
Ooh, that’s a tough one. I’m fairly fond of the big bad in a lot of Warcraft expansions. Bad guys get to have more fun after all. Deathwing, Arthas, Sylvanas, and various Old Gods are all in the top ten. I also love characters that lead to a lot of chaos like Junkrat and Bwonsamdi — or anyone voiced by Steve Blum. Artanis is probably my favorite out of StarCraft although that’s mainly because he was such a fun Heroes of the Storm brawler. Which also is why I like Yrel.
I don’t think I can pick just one character, but the shortlist is all above there.
Bacardi is full of stolen nacho cheese this week and that means good things for you! Loot shall rain from the heavens, probably. You could be lactose intolerant, in which case maybe take a lactaid before checking your Great Vault.
Today’s Anna Earworm™: Push It
Remember there are only 9 more days until Christmas! I’ll see you once more before then, but in the mean time make sure you give the gift of questions to all of the other Queue writers.
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