Here’s how to get some easy transmog from Shadowlands raids

One of the biggest changes made in our current patch (11.0.5) was that Blizzard went back and made it so Shadowlands raids were easier to solo. This is great news for the transmog lovers out there, who now have three more raids that they can dig into in order to unlock some neat loot and of course, Sylvanas’s bow. Today we’ll talk about what you need to know before you tackle Shadowlands three raids to get shiny new drip. Shadowlands has also been given Legacy Loot, which is amazing because you get a whole bunch of drops per boss, which means more transmog for your account.
First: If your character has not started the Shadowlands campaign before, do not skip the Maw intro at this time. Doing so bugs the ability to start Threads of Fate and does not let you actually begin Shadowlands proper. While you could try to use an engineering toy to try and make it to the raids, you can either run through the Maw intro and continue on, or you can wait until 11.0.7 releases (and hopefully gives us a fix).
Perhaps the most important things to know per raid if you’ve never done them before (I cleared them on a ilevel 612 Unholy Death Knight for reference):
Castle Nathria
Most of the fights in here on solo Mythic are tank and spank. You should be able to just DPS everyone down very quickly, with the exception of two fights — Sun King’s Salvation and Council of Blood.
Blood King’s Salvation: You need to heal Kael’thas in this fight. Nuke the starting adds, then walk over and channel one of the statues to the left or right of where Kael’thas is chained up. Punch Kael’s spectre in the face, he’ll recombine, then channel again to bring him back down (or, if you’re a class with heals, toss a heal on him). Punch him again and the fight should be over.
The Council of Blood is a council fight (obviously), with a mechanic where you have to follow dance moves. It’s fairly straightforward; when you’re told it’s time for the Danse Macabre, go stand in the spotlight facing the stage, and then move in the direction you are told to move in. You need to move an entire square for it to count! The other thing to note is you will get a debuff called Dancing Fever, which requires you jump 3 times to clear it. ** You need to do this or you will explode and wipe **. Outside of that, just kill the Dutiful Attendant that spawns and shields the boss, and wipe the floor with them.
Sanctum of Domination
Another (mostly) tank and spank series of bosses on solo Mythic.
The Tarragrue isn’t a hard fight, but you’ll want to clear out the adds on the outside of the boss arena. Killing the large adds will give you anima powers that stop you from being stunned: it’s pretty imperative that you get this for the boss fight, or he’ll chain stun you to death. Grab this, and beat the loot from the big ugly guy.
Eye of the Jailer: While you don’t really need to know the mechanics of this fight, you do need to know that the pile at the end of the walkway is a hookshot to move you from one side of the arena to the other (so you can deal with the pre-boss adds).
Kel’Thuzad: Arfus will show up to “tank” Kel’Thuzad when it’s time to drop down into the phylactery to take it to KT one on one. Just drop in, beat him up, and wait to pop back out to go back and kick his butt some more.
Sylvanas: Sylvanas isn’t hard, but it’s a really long fight. Most important things to know: in Phase 2, when you are working alongside the other NPCs chasing her, stick to the left with Jaina to help clear her platform, then head across to the right to help out Thrall. Don’t be me who had to run all the way back to the start to help Jaina finish her fight, all the while getting my HP just drained by the enemies doing a pulsing attack. Also, in phase 3 there is a point in time where you will need to jump to the next platform — you can do this when the edge of your platform is glowing blue. Just run off the edge to get booted over to the next platform. The worst part of this fight is the eight minutes of your life you’ll never get back (good luck on the bow!)
Sepulcher of the First Ones
Another pretty easy solo raid, but it’s long. It’s so long.
Prototype Pantheon: Another Council fight, this one requires all of the bosses to die within 20 seconds of each other. This shouldn’t be too bad, just make sure you whittle them down evenly and then kill them all within a few seconds together. If not, they will resurrect with full health and you’ll die to the ground effects.
The Jailer: This fight can get complicated if you just have bad RNG. During phase one, Zovaal will hit you with Rune of Compulsion — when you have this, at two seconds before it goes off, drop into one of the open pits in the arena. The Rune will burst, and you’ll get knocked back up into the air and hopefully will land back on the platform. A pillar will pop out of the pit you jumped into, and you need to hide behind it to avoid the mind control. That’s pretty much the entire fight: you’ll need to hide again in 30 or so seconds when he summons a ton of pillars, but it’s pretty rinse and repeat. Beat the loot out of Zovaal and watch the direction your back is facing when you drop into the pit (as it will toss you out in the direction your back faces), and you should be done quickly.
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