The Queue: Wanna go to the waterpark?

I don’t know about y’all but I’m going to the waterpark today! In fact, when this Queue goes live I’ll be on my way! It may be kinda chilly outside, but I’ll be in the nice warm pool staying toasty.
I’ll ride a slide for you.
While I get ready to relax in a hot tub, it’s time for — The Queue!
Q4tQ: How did you enjoy the anniversary? What would you change if you could change one thing?
I personally liked it a lot, it just felt better than going into a cavern, answering some trivia and after going all the way up and out to kill Doomwalker then back down to log out waiting 20 seconds until you got sick of logging in/out on all your characters. I liked that they made it more like visiting the DMF or something similar, like Brewfest.
Ii enjoyed the “wait is 3 hours from here sign” and the other little things they put into it.
I’d change the events (Fashion Frenzy, Story Time, and Mount Mania) to have a once-a-day earnable currency for cosmetics vs sticking them all under PvP or Timewalking. The other thing I’d love is if they’d add Trivia to DMF or make a short mini holiday game out of it.
I’d make it something that came back once a month like the Darkmoon Faire! I know that there’s a certain specialness to an event that only comes around every so often, but in a game like World of Warcraft once a month is a pretty good cadence for a special event.
They could even keep adding to it every year on the major anniversary! Just have the Bronze flight whip up a special portal to an alternate Tanaris and have the celebration gradually grow to encompass the whole zone!
Q4tQ: how long does it take you to realize a game really isn’t for you, and how long does it take for you to stop playing it once you do? Asking because a game I was hoping I’d enjoy has just become frustrating for me and I’m ready to move on. >_<
Thanks to Xbox Games Pass I’ve run into this more often than ever before. This isn’t a knock against Games Pass but just the beauty of an easy try-before-you-buy system. I’d say about an hour, most games are pretty good at putting enough of themselves into the first hour that it’s pretty easy to tell if it’s going to be for you.
Once I realize that a game won’t be up my alley, I’ll usually just stop playing it entirely. Maybe I’ll have vague thoughts of coming back later to give it a second shot, but that almost never happens.
Q4TQ: we all have shows, movies, games, etc. that we remember fondly, but when we decide to watch/play them again years/decades later, we find out that they aren’t as good as we remembered. What’s the biggest example of that for you?
Bonus: what about the opposite? Something you used to think was bad, but saw/played again years later and it was better than you remembered?
Oh man, I know the perfect example — Red vs. Blue! That did not age well the last time I tried to watch it. All of the jokes that I remember being so funny the first time just landed so flat. Maybe it was that I was older, maybe it was never that good to begin with — all I know is that I wasn’t going to keep watching to figure it out.
The flipside is harder to nail down. I’m not sure that I can think of anything personally other than just a general thought that sometimes listening to the early response to a piece of media can color my perceptions against it. Maybe the thing is really funny/good/smart actually and I just need to give it a fair shot. That is kinda how we get cult classic movies and TV shows! I know that I didn’t ‘get’ Firefly on the first watch, both due to age and Fox absolutely butchering the order, but oh boy did I like it when I got the DVD box set.
QftQ: What non-human WoW race would you most expect to see making snowmen?
They’re close enough to snow to have ideas about how to play in it, and they’re always trying to create things. So not only would we see Sgnomen but we’d probably see snow blueprints and snow robots too.
Let’s imagine a World of Warcraft where Mages have access to a glyph that doubles the head size of anyone they’ve targeted with Arcane Intellect
We don’t have to entirely imagine that! Thanks to the times that Heroes of the Storm ran big-head mode for April fools. Sadly it wasn’t a recurring thing, but I was very glad to be playing when it did happen.
Q4tQ: Is there any chance to get a quick link to the most recent Queue post on the front page? I ask not knowing the effort required to do so, or the cost to benefit ratio.
Thanks to Red seeing this comment and running it up the flagpole to Liz, there’s a link to the Queue on the top bar — right now! You can click on it and everything!
When the site redesign is finished and launched she also says that there’ll be more spots to promo specific things on the homepage so it should be easier to find in the future.
So everyone be extra nice to Red and Liz for taking care of that so quickly.
Xerianne’s comment below got me wondering:
What was the current patch in WoW when you started playing, and what is the first patch you remember as it came out?
For me, it would have been patch 1.3 when I started, but I didn’t become aware of what was going on with development until patch 1.5, that introduced battlegrounds.
I started just after the towers in the Eastern Plaguelands got brought online, which I think was 1.12.0. I didn’t reach max level before the launch of The Burning Crusade though. When TBC launched I rolled up a Draenei Paladin and eventually reached Outland before stopping before the Sunwell was released.
Bacardi has come into the new year much the same way he left it — napping. He might be convinced to get up and provide some shiny loot for you though — as long as you also keep the spirit of napping in your heart all year round.
Today’s Anna Earworm™: Troublemaker
Welcome to 2025 everyone, make sure to leave lots of questions for the other Queue writers to keep the year humming along strongly!
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