The Queue: Getting over the plague

I’ve had a chest cold for the last few days and boy let me tell you, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be! I’m sniffly and coughy and have taken so very many Halls cough drops that I feel more menthol than man.
But things are on the upswing I think, and I’m sure by this time next week I’ll be feeling better! Or I’ll be dead. One of the two surely.
While I go find more medicine, it’s time for — The Queue!
Q4tQ: Ok, with Turbulent Timeways, does it have to be the same toon every week?
Nope! As long as one character in a week does enough Timewalking to get the proper buff from the event then you’ll earn progress towards the greater achievement and the Buzzbee.
Unfortunately, you can’t just send a bunch of your characters through lots of Timewalking dungeons in a single week and get the bee mount all at once. That does sound like the kind of solution that the Bronze Dragons would allow though.
Q4tQ Is there any sort of shortcut for acquiring Cyrce’s Circlet, or does every alt have to do the unlock Siren Isle quests to get it?
Once you’ve gotten through the quest chain the first time you’ll be given the option to skip all of the initial steps on any other characters you bring. Whether you take them up on the skip or not is up to you.
You’ll be able to get upgrades from the treasures and rares on the island so don’t worry about leaving yourself underpowered because you wanted to skip the first step.
Well, I be 38 today and feeling better than I was expecting, given my health and whatnot! Hope everyone else be doing well too! *sends Druid hugs*
Happy birthday! I hope you and anyone else reading this who had a birthday last week had an excellent one. Hopefully full of food, friends, and fun!
Q4TQ: when you’re in the DMF and you see the notification that one of the bosses is up, do you go after them?
I always go after the Death Metal Knight, but I never go after Moon Moon or whatever the wolf’s name is
I always try and get the Death Metal Knight if I see it! Even if it takes longer now without lots of people all trying for their Undead guitars. At least if you’re familiar with the fight you can solo him, eventually.
I wouldn’t go out of my way for Moon Moon or the Rabbit though. This probably means its either time to retire them or spruce up their rewards. I wouldn’t mind seeing the Rabbit leaping around ignoring tanks and eating people’s faces again — it’s always a fun scene. Blizzard should just toss some extra Monty Python-flavored transmog onto it and give people a good reason to try their luck.
Here is Bacardi yawning after another grueling shift of taking care of me. He’s been such a good little nurse these past few days, always making sure that I have someone keeping me company and napping by my side. Surely his generous spirit will carry forward into your weekly vaults.
If not you’ll have to take it up with his union.
Today’s Anna Earworm™: Fox on the Run
I hope that you all have a safe and happy week! Make sure to leave Anna, and the other Queue writers, with lots of questions for tomorrow or I’m gonna be so disappointed in everyone, but especially you — MusedMoose!
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