How to collect all 13 battle pets on Siren Isle, and their rankings from best to worst

Siren Isle is the newest zone in The War Within and it’s barely big enough to land a zeppelin on — but there are just over a dozen battle pets to track down and acquire. They seem to run the gamut from permanent buddy to welcome addition to catch-it-and-forget-it.
While you’ll have to do some pet battling to catch ’em all, there are several that are obtained by other means. Let’s run down how to collect them all and give each one a ranking on the sidekick awesomeness scale.
Marmaduke 13/10
Stop the presses, this is the only battle pet you’ll need to collect. Ever. The perfect goodest boy companion can be found wandering around the central area of Siren Isle, looking rather sad. Once you’ve read the Tattered Journal in the Forgotten Vault below the island, you’ll learn enough about the mysteriously departed Kul Tiran expedition to figure out that Marmaduke was left behind in their haste to depart the island.
All you need to do to add Marmaduke to your stable of pals is bring him his favorite squeaky toy, which you can find inside the abandoned Salt and Shanty Inn after you’ve completed the journal questline. Once he’s by your side, he will react to several emotes such as /dance and /cheer. And to top it all off, you can return to the spot that you found his ducky toy to loot more of them, which Marmaduke will dutifully carry around when summoned. Perfect, no notes.
Crackleroar 9.5/10
This very stormy little wind rider is a rare drop from Storm-Touched Pridetalons which can be found atop the highest peaks of Siren Isle during its storm phase. Bring your Experimental Go-Pack because you’ll need to rocket around from clifftop to clifftop. You can also chase down the rare spawn Tempest Talon which can drop Crackleroar.
It’s been over a decade since the Wind Rider Cub was briefly available as a pet players could purchase from the in-game store, and patch 11.0.7 marks the first time that any wind rider battle pet has been available since then. The vertical farming you’ll need to do to see this charged-up cub drop will certainly be worth it.
Battleboar Piglet 8.5/10
There are surpisingly few porcine battle pets available for players to collect, despite being found on nearly every continent and the subject of one of the most famous tributes to World of Warcraft. Luckily this armored wonder appears in the wild whenever the Vrykul are the weekly Siren Isle invaders. They wander around the central and southeastern regions of the island. Be sure to shop around for your favorite look, as there are three colors to acquire — black, white, and brownish-red.
Snapdragons 8/10
After you finish befriending the full-sized mount version of the native lizards of Siren Isle, you’ll need a little buddy to go along with it. There are three different wild snapdragon pets available on the island, each with two or three different possible color schemes. The stormy variety can be powder blue or inky black and, as its name suggests, can be found only when the island is in its storm mode — look to the central and southeastern parts of the map.
The scavenging snapdragon also lurks about during the storm phase around the western and northern shores, and comes in green/yellow, brown/grey, and beige/blue color morphs. The snapdragon pup should be easy to find in the normal phase of the island in the southeast quadrant, and can be red/brown, green/gold, or pure purple.
Krolings 7.5/10
Although we’ve been battling full-grown krolusks for several expansions, this is the first time that their adorably-named little ones, krolings, have been available as companions. There are a few different varieties scattered around the zone, as well as one named pet that’s available from the zone’s vendors.
The tidal version outranks the rest in my book. The mossy back and muddy-brown underside makes perfect sense for a subspecies that evolved to camouflage themselves along Siren Isle’s rocky shores. The purplish color variant as well as the rare black color variant are also striking. Look for them all around the perimeter of the island near shallow water. The rusty iteration comes in three different reddish-brown varieties and can be found scuttling around the center of the island.
The cave-dwelling kind prefers the dank caverns of Siren Isle. Two of its morphs are rather drab brown, but the yellowish version caught my eye as soon as I saw it. Skitterbite is the only battle pet that’s available to buy using the zone’s currency. You can spend 750 Flame-Blessed Iron to take home this pure-white red-eyed six-legged companion.
Cliffreach Cub 7.5/10
Now we know why the supply of Wind Rider Cubs went dry many years ago — the orc peons had to go all the way to Siren Isle to restock the Blizzard Store. You can find cubs to capture all along the clifftops of the non-storm phase of the island. While the first chance to obtain a little wind rider in quite a long time is to be celebrated, this one is really just the same exact pet as the one from the store without the horde pendant around its neck. While that hurts its score a bit, this cute buddy always looks extremely happy to be flying alongside me — how can I take points away from that face?
Parrots 5/10
There isn’t anything special about either of these feathered companions, although I’m not going to be too salty about the presence of parrots on an island that periodically gets raided by pirates. There’s a green one and a purple one to add to the five others we had in the game previously.
The proper (green) version will be harder to come across, as it is a rare drop from certain enemies during a week when pirates are invading Siren Isle. Make some loops around the southeast part of the island killing elite mobs like Bicephalic Bill and Timmy Two-Tongue and you’ll be sporting a brand new green-winged friend before long. The pillaged (red) iteration can be found in the wild in the southeast part of Siren Isle, also during a pirate invasion week. If you’re having trouble starting that battle, it has been bugged during previous pirate weeks — open your keybindings and set “Interact with Target” to start the battle.
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