The Queue: For good boys and girls

I like ninjas, I’ve written about that before. Ninjas that set fans on fire before tossing them on fools (and look great while doing it)? Sign me the heck up!
This is The Queue, your daily column for good boys and girls to ask questions, and have other boys and girls of compatible morality answer them. Let’s rock!
Having seen the animations for the MM eagle, they wouldn’t work with a non-flying beast. I’m sure they could eventually allow other pets and let you assign one in the stable UI like the one for a BMs Animal Companion. But being able to summon a pet to tank for you seems pretty dead.
The strangest thing to me is: since the eagle isn’t a permanent pet, there’s nothing preventing your pet from working alongside it in soloing situations. They could simply disable things like Command Pet, Intimidation, and other pet abilities like that, and make sure the pet deals pitiful damage (but still generates good threat and can taunt). There, problem solved, mostly everyone is happy.
I don’t understand it, man.
Okay but hear me out, a month or two with no new releases is good actually, let me catch up uuuugh lol
I definitely hear you! 2024 was packed, and I’m still working on my backlog from that year, let alone from previous years!
Very fair answer regarding Civ VII. VI is actually one of my least favorite entries, if not the very least, but I am tentatively excited about all the changes VII is making.
Even when I have other main games, Civ is what I can launch and just keep walking away from and right back to no matter what is going on.
I’m with you on not liking Civ 6 much — give me Civ 5 over it any day, it’s not even close. I really dislike the cartoonish style they went with for the world leaders, and some of the gameplay changes were better on paper than in practice.
But that hasn’t put a dent on my excitement for Civ 7 either. I’m cautiously optimistic that they can fix things.
Q4tQ What race do you like to play when Plunderstorming?
Mechagnome. Because I wouldn’t play one otherwise.
@Red – Is this show Dark spoken in German with English subs?
Hey everyone, I’m using this as an opportunity to tell everyone to watch Dark, on Netflix! If you enjoy unraveling mysteries and/or time travel stuff and/or ensemble casts and/or a relatively short show that won’t take too much of your time (only three seasons!) and/or you played 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim and you were like “but what if we had a TV show that worked kinda like this game does” and/or you felt super disappointed with shows like Lost that end without explaining all the mysteries it came up with and would rather watch something that actually ties it all up together in the end… Dark is for you!
I would look like I fell out of Austin Powers every single day if I could afford it.
Groovy, baby!
QftQ: Is Li Li a grown-up yet?
I’d assume she has to be at least on her late teens now, if not a young adult. Assuming she doesn’t get a model of her own (like Dagran did) the next time we see her, she should at least have upgraded to the “standard” female Pandaren model by now, one would think.
I’d like to see Li Li again. Seh explores waterfalls and doesn’t afraid of anything.
hearthed back to the town and saw a group of players ROLE PLAYING.
That’s been a hot minute.
Role Playing? In my MMORPG?!? In the year of our lord 2025?!?!?
Q4tQ If you temporarily subscribed to “Fortnite Crew” to unlock the Music Battle Pass for Fortnite Festival (it’s cheaper to do so than buying the pass itself), would you tell anyone or would you hide this fact in shame?
Shame. Shame. Shame. *ding ding ding* 🔔🔔🔔
Today one of my students asked me what were some of my favorite of all time, and off the top of my head I said BotW and Animal Crossing. That made me wonder what other games I’d place near the top, so I made a 3×3. I’m curious what people think, and what games they’d have in their 3×3.
Mine aren’t necessarily the games I think are the best of all time (though some of them are) or even the “best one” in that particular series, but rather which games had the most impact on me in some way — either because they resonated with me (either through gameplay, story, characters, or a combination of those), or because they were influential in opening up a certain genre for me to explore, or simply because there’s too much emotional attachment there. Here they are (in no specific order):
– Persona 5 Royal
– World of Warcraft
– Hearthstone
– 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
– Fire Emblem: Three Houses
– Chrono Trigger
– Diablo 2
– Donkey Kong Country 2
– Civilization 5
This has been The Queue, friends. To quote the wise Michael Peter Balzary, eat lots of beans and stay out of jail!
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