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Discussion > WoWJan 20, 2025 8:00 am CT

Plunderstorm is upon us, so how are you approaching this year’s battle royale game mode?

Plunderstorm is back, and we’re a few days into this year’s version of the stormy, swashbuckling battle royale set among the scenic hills of Arathi Highlands. There are some nice quality of life improvements over last year’s debut, a whole treasure trove of rewards to collect, and five weeks until the pirate ships sail off into the sunset. How much are you engaging in the Plunderstorm game mode this time?

I am guessing that the most popular level of participation among players is to dip their leather-booted toe in just enough to earn the reward or two that they just couldn’t go without. Even the most expensive mounts or ensembles are affordable enough that just a few rounds earns you enough Plunder to make the purchase. With the renown track being replaced by an event currency, this is possible in a way that it was not in the game mode’s previous iteration.

Perhaps the pirate outfits are right up your alley, and you just really need the new black one to match the previously available red and yellow sets. Come to think of it, if we get another Trading Post recolor and another Plunderstorm season with blue and pink options, we’ll be able to run 5-player content dressed as the Pirate Power Rangers.

Given that I’m not the only person to be diagnosed with Pokemon Syndrome who finds relief from collecting absolutely everything, I will also wager that a decent number of other players will be pushing through enough Plunderstorm matches to acquire all of the rewards. This also seems to be far from the grind that it was last time — the daily quest is enough that a single match earns you about 1,000 Plunder even if you catch a cutlass to the teeth just after completing it. I haven’t spent more than 15 minutes in the Plunderstorm any given night this week, but I’m on pace to be able to buy out the Plunderstore well before the event ends.

I suppose there must be players out there who will queue up for Plunderstorm just for the sheer fun of it. This group overlaps with the fraction of the playerbase who are eyeing the newly added Feats of Strength for collecting Plunder. You’ll earn them at increasingly insane intervals, along with progressively more impressive pirate-related titles, starting at 2,500 Plunder and peaking at a cool one million.

After nearly a week of riding an oversized parrot into battle, which level you find yourself falling into probably has to do with where you are in the regular old game of World of Warcraft. We’ve had a few weeks to explore Siren Isle, and there is a bit of a lull before we D.R.I.V.E. our way to Undermine when patch 11.1 hits. If you’re gearing up alts or striving to complete the Season 1 meta achievement, you might feel like pirate-related shenanigans are nothing but a distraction. So what’s your strategy for this year’s Plunderstorm?

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Filed Under: Plunderstorm

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