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Blizzard Watch WeeklyJan 17, 2025 4:00 pm CT

Blizzard Watch Weekly: Arrrr!

This week everyone is saying Arrrr so I’m out here reminding you that Arrrr.

It’s Friday (thank Yogg) so this is our roundup of what happened this week, what’s going to happen next week, and some more fun stuff we’d like to share.

What Happened This Week?

With much fanfare and swilling of rum, Plunderstorm returned to World of Warcraft. There was a slight change to how we earn rewards, and while we’re not the biggest fans of the currency matryoshka doll in general it’s definitely preferable to the past iteration’s rigidly tiered Renown-based rewards. If you’re unfamiliar with Plunderstorm, we have both our guide for PVE players, and our Hater’s Guide to Plunderstorm. If you like to PVP we don’t really want to give you any hints, sorry.

If you’re still hanging out on the Siren Isle in between Plunderstorm drops, we made a list ranking the battle pets you can get there, and telling you how to get them if you haven’t yet. We especially love Marmaduke.

As usual, we also have a few games we’d like to suggest you give a whirl — this week we’re focusing on the bold, brave souls that have released games in 2025 already. Break that ice!

What’s Happening Next Week (and beyond)

After its weird little false start (end?) Diablo 3 — for really-reals this time — ends on January 19, which is Sunday, which is why I’m leading with that one. Season 7, the season of Witchcraft, follows closely on its heels. The Tree of Whispers has lost a bunch of heads so the player has to do witch stuff about it, and if that isn’t the Diablo-est sentence I’ve ever typed I’ll drink some blood.

The Heroes of StarCraft miniset for Hearthstone Constructed releases next week, at a few different price points for varying card types. Personally I’m still waiting on a look at what the portraits for the Battlegrounds Tavern Pass — which they asked us to buy over a month ago — look like.

Season 7 of Season of Discovery has been officially announced, with the release starting January 28, and Naxxramas opening the next week on February 6.


This week’s podcast was focused on Plunderstorm, but with Liz Patt as a guest, the crew were on board for a whole lot of Diablo chatter, too. Lore Watch discussed the possible parallels between goddess of the moon Elune, and current baddie Xal’atath. Plus, it’s the conclusion of our playthrough of the wildly imaginative TTRPG Sentai & Sensibility.

Remember, if you sign up to be a tier 2 Patreon Patron, in addition to fun perks on the site and our fabulous Discord, you also get the uncut version of our podcast, and both Lore Watch and Blizzard Watch podcasts two days earlier than the public. Plus, you get our thanks.

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