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The QueueJan 24, 2025 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: What is Friday? Why is Friday?

I don’t know why this week feels so weird, like it is simultaneously Thursday and Saturday, but definitely not Friday. I assume that it’s because I haven’t been correctly turning pages on my dog-a-day calendar, because how can I know what the day is unless an adorable dog provides this information from my desk? Really, it’s impossible to know, and thus I have entered a state in which time has no meaning.

But I think it may actually be Friday… so here we go, let’s Queue.


I seem to have perfected the art of worming my way around people for 15 minutes and hoovering up plunder until there’s 3-10 people left before getting absolutely rocked when I run into someone at the end.

The only beef I have with this is that I will forever be annoyed that it seems my main reason for being “bad” at WoW PvP is just that I can’t run around like an idiot while re-aiming as fast as other people.

Running in circles feels like it should be lower on the “important skills” list for fighting.

Gotta go fast seems to be the rule of modern gaming — and that’s what makes running around for 15 minutes instead of engaging in combat actually one of the most efficient ways to play Plunderstorm. If you aren’t great at doing that spinning and firing while keeping your target in view” thing that seems to be a core tactic of WoW PVP, it’s best to avoid PVP, stay out of the way, and pick up every bit of loot you can find.

(Honestly, if I were offering any advice, it would be to jump into the storm and die sooner, because you hit a point of diminishing returns of time spent versus rewards earned.)

Avoiding people is a perfectly reasonable combat technique. People are terrifying, and occasionally they just leap out of bushes, so it’s better if you avoid those, too. Stay quiet, stay alive, win the game.


Q4tQ: who’s running the BW Bluesky account? Because y’all need to give them a raise.

It’s me! And Anna. And also I gave Mitch access because he asked. You can guess who did this.

Unfortunately, we don’t have raises in the budget. Unless we could in fact pay with flesh, but that’s just not a sustainable currency system, and it’s my understanding that you can’t pay your bills with it, so it’s probably better if we don’t.



What time period/region would you like an Assassin’s Creed (or AC-type) game set in? Besides the joke answer of feudal Japan
[stares angrily at AC: Shadows]

For me, it’d be the Mongolian Empire. I know they’re featured as enemies of the Assassins, but it’d be cool to see that side.

Bonus points if The Hu contribute to the soundtrack!

This is a hard question simply because there are so many options. Assassin’s Creed has built a framework for a series that can go anywhere, any time. And there’s just a lot of times and a lot of places.

I wonder about taking the game back to an age of exploration, as Europeans sailed searching for an easier route to India and colonizing everything they ran into along the way. These were times of tremendous change, in an era where the maps of the world still had edges. What about the 1800s in Hong Kong? In India? Both are stunning settings, with unique art and architecture, and in the midst of a significant culture clash with Europeans. Assassin’s Creed has focused significantly on Europe and the Middle East, but I think Asia presents new vistas to explore and new stories to tell. And the game is built to have a flexible framework to tell those stories, so why not stretch your wings and go somewhere new?

Of course there is always, as was suggested in Discord, the Wild West, but I think you’d wind up with something a lot like Red Dead Redemption, and you’d never escape the comparisons. Go somewhere new instead.

And that’s all for today my friends. I’ll hope you’re surviving this Friday, and ready for the long weekend nap to come. I’ll see you back here next week.

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