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The QueueJan 31, 2025 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Friday keeps sneaking up on me (but never in a good way)

When Friday sneaks up on you, it’s never in a good way. It’s never “oh, wow, I can sleep in tomorrow!” It’s always “oh no, I have so much work that has to be done this week and the week is over already.” It’s Friday and like so many Fridays before it, I got out of bed ready to turn around and take a nap.

But instead of doing that, let’s answer some questions.



Is there anything more annoying for a crafter than seeing “Reagents saved!” and it’s the worthless flux, or whatever? Thanks for saving me twenty-eight silver, Blizzard.

Even saving low-value items is saving something. It may not be deserving of fanfare, but it’s still better than nothing.

In the end this is just the life-long problem of RNG: you could get nothing, you could get something of low value, or you could get something of high value. It always feels bad to not get the thing you want… and somehow getting something low value feels worse than getting nothing.

If you got nothing, it’s not called out. Okay, we can move on with our lives; you probably didn’t even notice anything amiss. If you get something exciting, you’re told you get something exciting! How exciting!!

But if you get something that’s low value, it’s called out that you got something of low value and it makes you think about how you didn’t get something of high value, and now you’re upset about it. Getting a low-value item isn’t bad, but now that the game is pointing it out to you, it feels bad.


So I have all the mounts, pets, and transmogs, so there’s no reason for me to do Plunderstorm any more, right?

You are free! Free until Blizzard brings the game mode back with new rewards!


Q4tQ How devastated are you by the announcement that Date Everything has been delayed until June?


I am ruined. Lost. I’m going to have to think about playing the rest of my game backlog. I’m probably going to be expected to focus on helping my guild progress through Liberation of Undermine instead of dating literally everything. How am I going to manage all of that?! Ugh.

Okay, okay, fine. I would rather have a finished, well-polished game than a rushed-out-the-door buggy mess. I’m going to enjoy it whenever it comes out. (But honestly, now I’m going to have to focus up for probably an entire raid tier. That’s so much work.)


Q4tLizQueue: isn’t the next BW podcast going to mark the site’s 10th anniversary? Asking because I still have the first BW podcast saved, and it’s dated February 3rd, 2015.

February will indeed be the site’s 10th anniversary; AOL shut WoW Insider down at the end of January 2015, and we had gotten something ready to put online immediately… even though, at the time, none of us had any idea if this would work out. We had, after all, just been told by AOL that everything we wrote for them was worthless, and it was a surprise we got the support we did, and a surprise that we’ve kept going this long in the middle of a vastly changing media landscape.

We actually don’t have anything planned at the moment; all of our efforts have been focused on the transfer of ownership, which has been a whole lot of work that still isn’t entirely finished. (There’s always one more thing that needs to get done… and when you’re done with that, there’s another thing.)  We’re also working on spinning up a new site, which we’d wanted to have ready for launch on the 10th anniversary, but frankly I always thought Dan was being a little optimistic about how easy it would be to update everything, and it’s going to be more March or April right now… that will probably be something of a grand-reopening celebration.

I do have to warn you, though, when we move to the new site we are likely to lose all of the old Queues. They’re currently done up in some custom formatting in which WordPress does not consider any of the text to be part of a post, so when we’ve tested moving posts over to the new site, they are nothing but a headline and an image. (You know, kind of like the way the Queue looks when it’s broken… which is probably because that’s all WordPress really recognizes as the post.) Nothing is set in stone, but we haven’t had any luck so far. We are planning to stick with Disqus, so your comments will continue as always.

So yes, somehow Blizzard Watch is about to turn a decade old. Wow.

And that is all for today, my compatriots. We’ve all survived another week (another month!) and can now enjoy a (hopefully) relaxing weekend. Take care everybody and I’ll see you back here next week.

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