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The War Within > WoWFeb 3, 2025 4:00 pm CT

How to get the new Love Witch Sweeper mount from Love is in the Air

Love is in the Air is back and just in case you haven’t gotten the X-45 Heartbreaker or the Dragonriding Armor yet there’s another new rare mount that can drop from the Crown Chemical Co: the Love Witch Sweeper mount. As the name indicates it’s colored to match your Love Witch attire and it takes the form of a broomcycle — or maybe a motorbroom.

Acquisition is exactly the same as the Heartbreaker: your first daily post-reset defeat of Apothecary Hummel and the awarded Heart-Shaped Box has a chance to contain the Love Witch Sweeper mount. It has been confirmed that subsequent runs have zero chance of getting the Sweeper however there is bad luck protection that should increase your odds of getting the mount before the event ends (although likely not enough to guarantee). Note that this applies to your entire Battle.net account so having multiple game accounts will not increase your odds unless you multi-box your characters for that first attempt. The chances of getting the various mounts are rolled independently so it’s actually possible to get both the Heartbreaker and the Sweeper at the same time in which case you should immediately buy lottery tickets.

Once the event is live, you can queue for it from your regular Looking for Group pane — it’ll show up as “The Crown Chemical Co.,” and upon getting a group, you’ll be teleported to the courtyard of Shadowfang Keep, where the fight takes place. More often than not it’s a quick and easy fight, but if the current scaling makes it a challenge you’ll want to equip the provided neutralizer to resist the effects of cologne or perfume while also sporting a healthy green or purple glow.

If you’re ultimately unsuccessful in acquiring the Love Witch Sweeper mount there’s a consolation recolor available in this month’s Trading Post, the Silvermoon Sweeper. While it won’t match your Love Witch attire it’ll still let you fulfill your motorbrooming dreams until you get a chance to try again next year.

Originally published February 3, 2025. Updated February 6, 2025.

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