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Diablo > Diablo 4Feb 4, 2025 8:00 am CT

Five tips for speed-leveling through Diablo 4 Season 7

Diablo 4 Season 7,  Season of Witchcraft, is well underway, and it has the fastest leveling — and most powerful builds — the game has ever seen. Dealing with a group of witches known as The Coven, you’ll hunt down the Tree of Whispers’ missing heads and learn powerful new Witchcraft powers along the way. But if you want to hit the end game as quickly as possible, I have some tips to help you speed to level cap and complete the Season Journey — which has a fantastic reward this season in the form of Dorian, a new raven pet.

Though a lot of players focus on the cosmetics in the Battle Pass, the Season Journey is its own advancement track, with a collection of tasks to complete during the season to earn rewards (which have never included anything as great as Dorian). You’ll see all of the tasks listed in the game’s season tab: navigate there and hit  the Season Journey button for the details. It’s a very long to do list, but you’ll pick up quite a lot of these simply by playing the game and leveling up — however, progress will slow down in the final three chapters (Slayer, Champion, and Destroyer), which Blizzard has made more difficult this season. Just keep at it! Remember, this is a marathon not a sprint. You have the entire season to finish this.

Here are five quick tips to help you breeze to level cap and get a new raven friend:

  1. Don’t increase your difficulty level too soon. Leveling this season is very fast, but don’t assume that jumping to higher difficulty levels will help you go faster. While higher difficulties do give you more XP, they can also slow you down, so the highest difficulty isn’t always the most efficient leveling. Stick to Normal for the first 20-25 levels to breeze through the early levels and unlock all of your abilities, then swap over to Hard. Stay here until level 50-55, then switch to Penitent to 60. Jump into Torment levels when you can tackle them without dying too much.
  2. Run Headhunts and more Headhunts. The seasonal event is the fastest way to level, and provides more gear to help you power up fast — plus they provide the seasonal currency you’ll need to level your Witchcraft powers and craft Occult Gems. Skip Helltides (except as needed for the Season Journey) and avoid Strongholds (except when you need them for advancement or to unlock portals. Headhunts are up in four zones at a time, so there will always be plenty available.
  3. Pick the best Headhunt events. For maximum efficiency, you’ll want to do the easiest Headhunt activities and then move to the next zone instead of staying to grind mobs or complete other activities. This means you’ll be getting through Whispers faster to earn more rewards and more XP. I recommend doing these events:
    1. Purge the Rot: kill 150 Headrotten enemies, which you’ll wind up doing while you complete the others.
    2. Patrol: kill 120 enemies with a patrolling guard, while
    3. Shepard: Guide wildlife to safety.
    4. Fugitive: Interact with Exposed Roots and kill enemies until a Headless Husk boss spawns. These bosses have a hefty shield and can hit like a truck, which is another reason to stick to lower difficulties while leveling (or to find a party to help out). These mobs drop piles of loot and a chance at a Fugitive Head, which you need for crafting seasonal gems (these start appearing after reaching Torment 1).
  4. Don’t forget to turn in your Whispers! There’s a raven in every zone where you can turn in Whispers for a cache and bonus XP, or you can set the Tree of Whispers itself as your favorite teleport destination quickly head there to sell loot and collect new rewards. You’ll be going through these quickly, and can’t finish new Whispers when you’re maxed out.
  5. Salvage everything! Money is really not a problem this season, so don’t take time to sell anything. With the amount of loot in Headhunt zones, you’ll be rolling in legendaries — salvaging them will give you crafting materials and improve your legendary aspects. Once you start getting Ancestral gear, salvage it if you aren’t using it — one step of the Season Journey requires you to salvage 100 Ancestrals, so start as early as possible.

Hopefully these tips help you speed your way through the Season of Witchcraft! This may be the most accessible season to date because of leveling speed, the massive quantities of gold you earn, and the immense power of our Witchcraft abilities — it’s a good season to consider trying new things because you’ll advance so quickly. Blood Wave Necromancer is awfully strong this season, and could be a fun one to check out even if you don’t usually play Necromancers.

Know something that’s super helpful that I’ve missed? Leave a comment below!

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