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WoWFeb 4, 2025 9:00 am CT

Enjoy this week’s short Warcraft maintenance: the World of Warcraft servers are already back online!

Good news everyone! This week we once again had a short maintenance cycle with all World of Warcraft servers going offline for just one hour during their typical maintenance timeframe. That means everyone was able to get back online quickly to check vaults or pick up the latest holiday dailies. (Or make another run for the X-45 Heartbreaker, which breaks more hearts every year.)

The World of Warcraft servers were offline from 7am – 8am pacific time, including modern, Cataclysm, Classic, Season of Discovery, Hardcore, and Anniversary realms. All WoW servers are currently back online.

Being down for an hour puts all of us who are waiting to log on in an awkward position. It’s not really enough time to dig into anything else, but it’s too long to just sit and stare at the login screen. But if you want something else to play for this brief window of time, I’ll point you to our weekly game recommendations post, which includes the new RPG Eternal Strands. I’m personally looking forward to checking this game out because the development team includes Mike Laidlaw, the former creative director for the Dragon Age franchise. A name on its own isn’t enough to promise a good game, but it’s enough to get my attention. There’s a demo on Steam, so we can all spend the next hour seeing what we think about it. There’s also this week’s free Epic game: Undying, a post-apocalyptic survival game. It’s not really my thing, but it may be yours — plus it’s free. You cannot beat that price.

If you’re interested in tabletop gaming, you should check out the Kickstarter for StarLee Davidson by 9th Level Games, which features the tag line “Because every woman contains an entire motorcycle girl gang.” That’s not something I’d considered before, but it feels true. This is part of Zine Quest, an annual event that celebrates small format RPGs and related works (the aforementioned zines), many of which are just launching on Kickstarter. It features tons of interesting projects, and I’m only mentioning StarLee because I’ve enjoyed 9th Level’s Polymorph games in the past (and because I’d be here all day if I talked about every one of them). Give the list of projects a look — you might fall in love with one of them.

Or you could take a nap. I won’t tell anybody if you won’t.

But for now, the servers are back up. Time to hop online and be overwhelmed by all of the holiday events happening!

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