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The QueueFeb 13, 2025 11:59 am CT

The Queue: Back on my bovine excrement

Sometimes, in the words of another game I enjoyed, Violence is the last, joyous resort of the improvident planner.

Whenever I play V I remember that line, because seriously, all her plans end up in a pile of that aforementioned mass of barnyard secretions. It’s almost like the game rewards me with dopamine for V’s terrible decisions.

I’m looking forward to Avowed on Game Pass, but until I get that, this will be my game.


Ha, 536,870,304 overkill on normal hellfire ramparts, on my level locked 11 horde twink. Liquid fire from the last boss, dragon.

Going to hit up Blizz twitter, mention this, fingers crossed they fix this silly scaling bug.

Sadly the scaling for a lot of the game when leveling from 1 to say 50 or even more (basically, any content that scales to your level, really, but especially the older stuff like BC) is really weird and has quite a few weird outliers. I hope they can help you but it’s been an ongoing problem for a while now.


Q4tQ: what do you think of the new trash armor?

Honestly it doesn’t really speak to me, but I’ll probably get to work on it just so I have it if I ever feel like I need it. Transmog is a harsh mistress.


Do you think that with player housing coming, they’ll revive the Archeology profession?

Terror gripped his throat, its jagged talons drawing tears of blood from his skin as it dangled him over his desk.

Yessssss. It hissed in his ear, fetid breath the temperature of a slug crawling down his cheeks. Another Archaeology revamp. Savor it. Feel it crawling up the ladder of your bones, ever approaching your quivering mind-meat. 

He tried to scream but sound would not come.


Q4tQ: with the next Diablo IV expansion coming in 2026, do you think we’ll see another class added? I think the ending of Vessel of Hatred definitely left it open for bringing in a type of class from previous expansions.

I sure do.

Honestly, my dream is a new Holy Warrior class, filling the Paladin/Crusader shaped hole in my evil little goblin heart. I’d love to get to see Kormac again, maybe he could have founded something after he broke with the Templars.

And I hope this is the theme song that plays when you meet one of them.


Queueing spree! Queue-tacilar! Queue-mageddon! Queue-pocalypse!

… doesn’t sound as cool without the Quake announcer voice.

Sadly my brain is using the Candy Crush guy’s voice, and the way he sounds post orgasmic every time he says juicy. Replacing it with the word Queue, so it’s really skeeving me out.


Rivals definitely has them pressing the panic button.

Yeah, and frankly, it should because it’s basically another company doing to Blizzard what they used to do — i.e. taking elements of a game and polishing the bantha poodoo out of them. And it has a built in stable of already popular characters who are unabashedly superheroic.

It’s time for Blizzard to start making moves that are less ‘let’s bring back all the old stuff’ and more focused on innovation.

Also give us that single player story campaign.

That’s the Queue for today. Take care, everyone.

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