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The QueueFeb 19, 2025 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Hero or Menace?

The Queue is a daily column that fights crime, but some people — especially those trying to make scandalous headlines to sell newspapers — may frown upon what they call “vigilante justice.”

Is The Queue a column of heroes? Are we saving the day by providing insightful and amusing answers to your burning questions?

Or is The Queue a menace in column form? Do we exist to sow chaos and spread confusion? I mean, sometimes we do answer your questions with other questions, or give answers that are technically correct but deeply unhelpful. We also like to misinterpret questions on purpose from time to time. We’re unpredictable and we just wanna have fun, like Queues are wont to do.

As you decide for yourselves, let’s head into another day of crime-fighting and feeble attempts to slowly instill our readers with the urge to embark on a quest for world domination, or veiled hints that their questions might contain a hidden conspiracy theorist subtext.


Why does J. Jonah Jameson hate Spider-Man so much?

First and foremost, he just wants to sell newspapers. Constantly coming up with those “Spider-Man: Hero or Menace?” headlines makes him money.

Secondly, he’s a petty, deeply insecure, hypocritical, and jealous man.

Thirdly, he considers what Spider-Man does to be vigilante justice, and he doesn’t trust that — that one is kinda fair (or at least worthy of a debate).


What currencies are being reset? Will Delve keys reset?
Is the reset next week with patch, or the week after when Season 2 starts?

Disclaimer: none of this has been confirmed by Blizzard, so we’re just making educated guesses (based on PTR information).

  • All the Harbinger Crests (Weathered, Carved, Runed, Gilded) as well as Valorstones should reset, to prevent players from hoarding them now and instantly upgrading the new patch gear.
  • Restored Coffer Keys should reset, for similar reasons. They’d allow players to immediately get extra gear from Delves.
  • Undercoins will reset as well, since they allow you to obtain Restored Coffer Keys and catch-up gear — which is only item level 580 now, but will be updated to 623 once Undermine(d) drops.
  • For PVP currency, Conquest and Bloody Tokens should reset. Honor should remain, since it usually only resets between expansions, not patches.

The reset will probably happen once Season 2 starts, not when patch 11.1 launches, given that Blizzard has put out a blog post detailing all the stuff that will no longer be available on March 4. But, again, there’s no 100% guarantee of this, so I’d err on the side of caution and spend all my currency before February 25 anyway.


Q4tQ Is it possible to get to HSBG Level 30 on the Battle Pass before the end of the current season?

Yes, and it’s a great time to do that, in fact: Blizzard just announced a big shake-up for the current season, introducing three new Heroes, new minions, and the return of Anomalies to the game mode. Which effectively means a big reset to the meta: new strategies to figure out, and that fun environment where everything feels new.

Also, if you haven’t played at all this season, you should have a lot of banked daily quests. You’ll pretty much get non-stop dailies, with a new one popping up as soon as you finish another. Go get that Ghost A.F.Kay, my man!


Q4tQ What’s your favorite tribe in Metaphor: ReFantazio?

Paripus and Mustari. Yes, I’m a fan of the underdogs — quelle surprise!

I don’t wanna delve into spoilers, but the Mustari know what’s actually going on. Hell, the — ahem — metaphor of a tribe of people who have a third eye should make that evidently clear. Persecuted, called pagans and forcibly converted into a different religion that is actively manufacturing the truth that is sold to the world? Yeah, I definitely want to side with them and protect them.

Also, Eupha best girl.

As for the Paripus, well, once again you’ve got the “persecuted and discriminated against” angle, though in this case it’s more for racial and social reasons than religious ones. Again, without delving into spoilers, once you explore the stories of major Paripus characters in the game you’ll see just how much they unfairly suffer, and they definitely make me want to fight for their right to exist and live dignified lives.

Plus, have you seen Catherina and Fabienne?


There won’t be any spikes on Anna’s house because I’m hoarding them all for mine.

I commend you on your efforts to make the world a safer place, with fewer spikes for children to accidentally impale themselves on.


Q4tQ: Off the top of your head, what is the most emotional game ending you’ve played?

There are two that immediately jump to mind, but they’re completely different kinds of emotional.

If you wanna go the more usual “sad, touching, melancholic” kind of emotional, there’s Persona 3. By a long shot. Heck, that ending was beautiful but depressing.

But then there’s also the ending to 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, which made me emotional for very different reasons — it was a Good ending, with a capital G. The kind that leaves you feeling all warm and fuzzy and happy and full of hope, and makes you want to applaud the work you just witnessed.


blown up a kitten

The kitten knows what it did.

(I love cute animals, you guys, I swear.)


None of BW’s Cute Animal posts will top this one!

Is that a challenge.

This has been our heroic column for today! Make sure to ask plenty of questions (or make tons of interesting comments) and have a nice day on your friendly neighborhood Queue, folks!

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