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Hide From Homepage > Video GamesMar 17, 2025 7:00 am CT

When is Update 3 for Guild Wars 2 Janthir Wilds (and what’s in it)?

Janthir Wilds is the second expansion for Guild Wars 2 since they replaced their “Living Season” content release model with an annual expansion followed by three quarterly updates. Update 2 titled Repentance was released on March 11, 2025. So when will the third and final update for Janthir Wilds be released? While we don’t have an official date yet, our prediction is that Janthir Wilds Update 3 will be released on June 10, 2025.

While the release cadence since the Secrets of the Obscure (aka SotO) expansion has been quarterly, there has been a slight slippage in expected release dates for Janthir Wilds. Both Update 1 Godspawn and Update 2 Repentance arrived two weeks later than anticipated based on the SotO Updates. It’s important to note that the two week differential was only seen for the first Update and that Repentance arrived after the typical number of weeks. While it’s certainly possible that Update 3 will release a little earlier to make up for the delay before Update 1, I suspect it’s more likely they’ll continue to release every three months. That gives us a target date of June 10, but don’t be surprised if the release in June 3. May 27 is probably unlikely due to the Memorial Day holiday in the United States, but ArenaNet has released content for GW2 close to the holiday before so it’s not out of the question if the goal is to reset to the original cadence.

Onward to Bava Nisos! … probably

As the final update to the expansion we probably have a good sense of where we’ll be journeying and that’s the ruined mursaat city of Bava Nisos. The events of the Mistburned Barrens map in Repentance specifically end at doors that lead deeper into the city, and since we were told early on by the development team that the final two maps were originally one it does make sense that Bava Nisos is our destination. That said, GW2 has no qualms about sending us to other places so it would not be surprising to find that we spend a significant amount of story in the “Mists” — perhaps even the Realm of Torment (although that could be the next expansion instead).

Besides the conclusion of the Janthir Wilds story the roadmap has several other features planned. There is a new Fractal dungeon that will also have a challenge mode, and the Convergence introduced in the second Update will also receive a new challenge mode. There will be a Legendary Backpack that players will be able to work on — the precursor is already in-game — and a new or expanded Mastery track likely related to the new map. While it’s not known what the new map could entail it would not be surprising for there to be a major map meta event revolving around the conclusion of the storyline.

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