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Discussion > WoWMar 17, 2025 8:00 am CT

What did you think of the latest Player Housing update for World of Warcraft?

Last week gave us our second look at the upcoming player housing feature for World of Warcraft with a focus on how the interior design is going to work. While there are a lot of details still to be revealed it was an intriguing look at the direction the development team is going with the customizations that will be available to players. If you haven’t seen the update yourself, you can check it out here.

There were two major takeaways I felt. First, the tools available for decorating are robust like those of Guild Wars 2 (something I expressed should be incorporated even before we learned there was going to be player housing in WoW). Being able to manipulate positioning and size is going to allow players to craft some really ridiculously complex housing environments — want to recreate either version of Karazhan? you may be able to! I do like the inclusion of a Basic Mode, though, as it’ll give players the ability to freely decorate without worrying about clipping a bookcase through a door or accidentally having a chair float.

The bigger takeaway in my opinion though is that the exterior and the interior of the housing is going to be completely distinct. This is a fantastic idea because it lets you have a neighborhood with a more rigorous building code or Homeowners’ Associations — the real world’s version of the Cult of the Damned — and then a separate instance for the inside. Even ignoring the fun of a TARDIS-like housing experience it lets you experiment in different ways with your finite plot of land and your potentially infinite interior space. I am a little concerned about the technical impact but maybe if the neighborhood is just a map while the houses are instances on separate servers it’ll be ok.

There’s still a lot to learn of what’s going to be included in player housing but so far I really like what I’m seeing. But what about you? Do you like the advanced tools we’ll get to decorate our houses, or do you think you’ll just stick to the basic tools? How do you feeling about the indoors and outdoors being separated? What do you think about the dye tool? And what do you hope the next update covers?

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Filed Under: Player Housing

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