The Queue: Look at this bear!

Isn’t this a great bear?
Surely Blizzard wouldn’t do something silly like introduce such a great bear, only to have players kill it. Then follow that up by telling players it was doubly dead and could never rejoin the cycle of rebirth that other natural things got in a whole expansion focused around the afterlife and letting several things get that treatment. That would be crazy.
While I take a big drink of my water, it’s time for — The Queue!
Late Q4tQ: assuming your regular work week is five eight-hour days, would you switch to four ten-hour days per week in order to have all weekends be three-day weekends? Asking because that plan starts to sound real good most Sunday evenings
Oh easily, a ten-hour day isn’t even that long in the grand scheme of things. I’ve done many of them and still had to come in for a five-day week, thanks to the wonders of live production and events lasting longer, or last-minute changes coming and ruining your day.
Honestly, though, we should force employers to adopt the four-day 32-hour week. Thanks to efficiency innovations and modern improvements most weekly work can be accomplished in 32 hours. I know I’d love to have the extra time for non-working things! Like errands and housework and finding joy in the small moments that you can only get if you don’t spend a bunch of your precious time off recovering from working.
But yes, I would 100% swap my current job as is to just four ten-hour shifts in a week if I could get away with it.
I have enough gilded crests to craft an ilevel 675 weapon right now. I haven’t even unlocked the weathered crest to carved crest upgrade on this character.
Question is, should I just craft that strong a weapon ahead of time, or naturally improve my gear over the season? Should I spend my gildeds as I can to craft gear and make it quicker to upgrade the others? I’d want tier-catalysable armour, obviously, but crafting gear with gilded crests would be an ilevel jump I’ve never reached in a season before.
It’d cost a lot of crests and valor stones to upgrade my gear high enough to make sure of the gilded, or I could just straight craft a myth weapon. What do
I say go for the weapon if you haven’t already. They always feel like the biggest most impressive upgrade that you can do.
More weapon = more DPS = faster killing = faster everything else!
Sure trinkets are fun sometimes, and there are some neat embellishments out there for armor. It’s just hard to beat the raw power you can get by adding extra DPS onto your main weapon.
This is so unfair, the weekend should be 42 days longer.
I know I just said that I could go for a three-day weekend and a four-day workweek two questions ago, but now I’ve just seen this and I agree! Why aren’t I just working five days on and 42 off? Life isn’t fair!
Quick, someone win me the lottery!! I’d be ever so grateful.
Monk or Shaman, which class would be better suited to the job of being an air humidifier?
So sure, on first blush, the Shaman seems like it would be better. There are so many water spells in their toolkit that your house couldn’t help but be more humid. Which is true, but I think it’d be that gross kind of humid where you’ve got just puddles everywhere and your socks would always be wet. Even with the Healing Stream Totem and Cloudburst Totem providing a nice way to make your room more humid after you’ve walked away, you’re still looking at just regular water splashing around.
Monks on the other hand are all about the mists. That’s wet air and would be way better for raising the humidity in your house. Also growing ferns.
I’d say you should just find a nice Monk and pay them to be your humidifier. Plus they may also make you tea! All the Shaman might do is drop a rain of toads down onto your house by accident.
Today’s Bacardi picture is patiently waiting for his lil soup treat. If you have one of those he may give you a nice treat in your vault as well!
It’s actually very funny how much he loves the lil soups from whatever brand is making them. He could be fast asleep in a sunbeam, and the second I crack the top off of one of them he’ll be next to me. He’d push his grandma out of the way for one of those.
So just keep that in mind when you’re trying to get your shiny loot.
Today’s Anna Earworm™: Crazy On You
I just saw Heart perform with my favoritest person and, oh boy can Ann Wilson still sing. If you get the chance you should try and see them live!
Have a wonderful week everyone, I hope you can have a nice long weekend without hurting yourself. You can help Anna’s day feel easier tomorrow by leaving her lots of Queue questions!
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