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The QueueMar 25, 2025 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Good Mornin!

Every so often when I drop into the comments to find questions for the Queue, you all instantly earworm me. There are worse things, I suppose, like living in the apartment beneath Gene Kelly and Donald O’Connor at 2 am.

This is The Queue, our daily column where you ask us questions and we say good mornin, good mornin, to you.


WOW I was playing new MM so wrong.

spent 15 minutes reading Icy Veins and adapting my WeakAuras, and all of a sudden the spec plays MUCH faster and deals MUCH more damage, lmao

turns out you need to hit those Rapid Fires even if you’re high on Focus, etc.

While I don’t discourage looking up guides and such if it feels bad or janky, I like to put out a regular reminder that if you’re having fun you’re not doing it wrong. Heck ’em.


Q4Anna: why doesn’t Pacific Drive have an Xbox version yet?

I mean for me personally, any game which involves an FPS perspective and a lot of menus kinda sucks on console, so maybe that’s why. I’m hopeful that maybe you’ll be able to experience my game of the year from last year, but also, mouse & keyboard is the way to be.


Q4tQ: I have these microwaveable chicken chimichangas from Costco that are good enough in the microwave in 3 minutes. But way better from the oven after 34 minutes. But I’ll usually settle for the 3 minute microwave cook, do you have anything similar where you’ll settle for good enough because it’s convenient?

Secondary Q4tQ: is there anything you think that tastes better from the microwave over other cooking methods?

I used a Keurig when both my kids were super little. It’s inferior coffee in a number of ways — taste, customization, quantity, environmental impact, counter space — but when you want to have one cup and you want it right now without faffing around with water and grounds, it’s phenomenal.

I also can’t really tell the difference between a baked baked potato and a microwaved baked potato, except for the literal hour of difference. There’s also zero difference for most veg if you’re steaming it in a steamer in a pot vs microwaving with a little water in a bowl covered by a plate, and you can add seasoning before you cook it in the microwave so it penetrates all the way through instead of sitting on the surface. Roasting or sauteeing usually tastes better, but steaming is better in the microwave.

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