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The QueueFeb 5, 2025 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Frogs

There’s an ancient legend that speaks of Wednesday as being a day for frogs. And here at Blizzard Watch we’re all about honoring such immemorial traditions.

This is The Queue, and here are some questions and some answers. Ribbit.


Q4tQ Which Goblin Cartel are you most looking forward to working with?

Is “none of them” a valid answer? 😬

Don’t get me wrong, I like the whole vibe that the Undermine patch has, and I’m looking forward to driving a really fast car (complete with Mario Kart-style customization) as well as finally kicking Gallywix’s ass — but I just don’t really gel with any of those Goblin factions.

fine, I think I’ll go with the Blackwater Cartel. I kinda dig the pirate vibe. I know that technically the Bilgewater are the “good guys” in this whole thing, but I can’t lie: it feels weird to have my mostly Alliance roster pledge themselves to what is essentially a Horde faction.

(The Steamwheedle guys are okay too, I guess.)

I have no idea why the Venture Co. is an option. The writers are gonna have to work hard to get me on board with those environmental destroyers as an allied faction.


which one is the coolest toy in WoW?

My favorite is Ai-Li’s Skymirror. It can be used for all sorts of shenanigans, such as taking the appearance of someone under some temporary transformation effect. Even if you don’t do anything mischievous with it, just getting to copy the Boomkin’s appearance on your Monk for a few minutes can already be fun.


Q4tQ Do you plan on using “the Explosive” title coming with patch 11.1?

Depends on how easy it is to get: if I need to go out of my way for some meta achievement in order to earn it, I’m probably not gonna do it. But if I get it naturally through my usual gameplay patterns, I might use it on my Goblin Mage!


Should I ask Mayla to the Valentines party? Or Fyr Mystrunner?

Or both?

NOT both. That can’t end well.

You know, I think Mayla is already going with someone, and that someone might or might not be the leader of the entire Tauren race. So I’d recommend you to focus your efforts on Fyr, to be honest. She’s a nice gal! She sells bread and doesn’t afraid of anything. Bread vendor gals are the fuel that WoW’s engine runs on. I bet she’s fast friends with Myra Tyrngaarde!


Q4tQ Which game do you plan to replay next?

Either Final Fantasy 7 Remake — it’s been a while since I played it, and I’ve been thinking about replaying it for quite some time now — or Fire Emblem: Three Houses, a game which I’ve already put 350 hours into but still haven’t completed! I’ve beaten it three times, but there are four routes in total — I’m yet to do Silver Snow, the “Church” route!

However, either of those things will have to wait until I play through the Aigis DLC in Persona 3 Reload. That’s what I plan to play next.


Q4tQ: What would be the launch title to get you to pick up a Switch 2 on release?

There are a few I can think of:

  • a new 2D Metroid
  • a Super Metroid remake (with the modern gameplay mechanics from Samus Returns and Dread)
  • a new Fire Emblem that looks more like Three Houses than Engage
  • a remake of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
  • Super Mario Maker 3.

So there you have it. Any of those would considerably increase the odds I’d pick up the Switch 2 on release.


If you had a hypothetical bestie who hypothetically never really played a JRPG since FF8 was current, which ones would you recommend they pick up (when they’re on steam sale, let’s not get too hasty).

That’s gonna be a very easy Persona 5 Royal from me!

The game oozes with style, which you’ll see right from the intro and the menu screens. The music will (probably) have already won you over by that point. And when you actually start the game, you’ll be greeted by an in media res sequence that ups the ante right away, and makes you intrigued about the story, and your protagonist’s fate.

Following that, the first part of the game is very strong, making you connect with the characters very quickly, in addition to giving you a first villain that is incredibly easy to hate, and who’ll most likely keep you invested in the story until you see them get their much deserved comeuppance.

I can’t think of an easier game for someone who isn’t already immersed into the genre to start with, hypothetical bestie!


Q4tQ: I had a job interview today where the hiring person told me that “only 10% of the calls you’ll receive will be verbally abusive” as if that was a positive thing. Why???

Because in their mind, only 10% of your day being spent getting yelled at is supposed to be good news? Lol. Lmao even.

I hope you have other interviews lined up! Unless, of course, this is your dream job. In which case, best of luck, friend! <3


You’re in charge of the next game in a franchise you love. What is it and how do you design the game?

It’s a new Warcraft game, and it’s a 4X. You’ll select a race, and then a nation and/or specialization for that race — i.e., you could pick Orcs, and then either Orgrimmar (Durotar) or Garadar (Nagrand) or some other major Orc settlement as your capital, and you could be the Chieftain of any of the classic clans (Warsong, Frostwolf, Dragonmaw, etc.). You’d be vying with other races and nations for resources, engaging in battles, and attempting to conquer all of Azeroth through brute force, diplomacy, technology, cultural influence, or something else entirely.

To shake things up, major events from Warcraft’s story would take place and affect the game. Perhaps Deathwing arrives and starts torching cities randomly. Perhaps the Lich King rises and the populace starts turning into the Undead. Perhaps some Naga arrive from the Maelstrom and conjure up an Arcane Storm, or perhaps Demons from the Twisting Nether start flooding in from the Dark Portal. Whatever the case, the game might suddenly shift, and players who were losing might seize the opportunity to perform heroic deeds and come out on top.

This has been The Queue for this fine Wednesday, friends. Take care, play games, and have fun!

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