Anna Bell
When does Diablo 2: Resurrected Ladder Season 8 start?
The games we’re getting into this holiday weekend — and summer
Azure Flame Hanzo skin available now to fund Dreamhack Dallas Overwatch esports prize pool
The Queue: Everything is on fire!
I do appreciate how, as my personal life gets incredibly busy to the point where everything feels like chaos, it also gets incredibly warm out. Is everything on fire? Are we in hell? Such ambiance. The vibes.
This is The Queue, our daily column where you ask us questions and I’m honestly shocked you expect me to have answers.
Get your game on, go play these great games this weekend
When does Diablo 2: Resurrected Ladder Season 7 start?
The Queue: A blast from the past
Since I’m currently so busy with end of the school year wrap ups and events and getting ready for summer activities, I’m taking this opportunity to go through my gmail inbox and finally get a handle on my unread emails. I’ve had the same gmail account since before WoW launched in 2004, so it’s been a weird little time capsule to explore, from flash-in-the-pan historical figures — do you guys remember Ken Bone? — to ghosts of BlizzCons past. I just deleted the email notification informing me that I was granted access to edit the Blizzard Watch Google+ page. Ah, memories.
This is The Queue, our daily column where you ask us questions, and we give you the answers — no, we’re not going to discuss how many emails, because Liz might fire us in disgust.
The Queue: Lunchtime
Sometimes, playing games makes me hungry. Today, writing The Queue is making me hungry. It’s fine.
This is The Queue, our daily column where you ask us questions and we’ll answer just as soon as we grab a little snack.
A quick look at some of our favorite options in the character creator for the new Earthen race
The Queue: Gimme pizza!
There are only a very few things in life which are just as exciting when you grow up as they were when you were a kid. One of those things is pizza night. In fact, I may be more excited now, because pizza night means I don’t have to really meal plan, or cook, or especially clean up, and everyone gets what they want with very minimal whining. It’s practically a vacation.
This is The Queue, our daily column where you ask us for P-I-Z-Z-A and we’ll give you the answers just as soon as it gets here.