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Phil Ulrich

Phil Ulrich @awaymessageclub — Phil Ulrich is a software developer from Cincinnati, an amateur game dev, a heroic raid leader for a guild full of retired ex-raid-leaders, and sometimes even a writer. His time in World of Warcraft goes back to 2008, and he's really been hooked ever since. Outside of WoW and Diablo, Phil is also an avid console and PC RPG fan, and a tabletop RPG "forever DM."

Everything we know about The War Within’s Matrix Catalyst

It will probably not surprise World of Warcraft players to learn that The War Within once again has a new entry in the series of Catalysts -- the machines left behind by cosmic forces that allow us to convert appropriate gear into tier sets, making it much easier to obtain sets (whether for actual power gains during the season they're relevant, or for transmog after the fact).

Here’s the smorgasbord of delicious meals awaiting you from the Cooking profession in The War Within

Every expansion in World of Warcraft brings with it tasty new Cooking recipes, from recipes so good they became actual real-life recipes to the nearly-inedible foods of Shadowlands (I guess Brokers didn't know that most of us don't like Pickled Meat Smoothies and Butterscotch Marinated Ribs). The War Within also includes a large variety of new foods (including food that lasts through death!), many of which have a fun twist on the fact that you're spending a lot of time in cave systems.

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