Class Fantasy
Arcane Sanctum: The fantasy of being a Mage
Although we’re still in the middle of Warlords of Draenor’s final raid tier, it’s an exciting time as we begin looking forward to Legion and changes it might bring.
Zen Meditation: Monk class fantasy from the tavern brawler to the martial artist
Sitting in the audience of the opening ceremonies for BlizzCon 2011, I found myself absolutely mesmerized by the idea of the Monk class to be introduced in Mists of Pandaria.
Locked and Loaded: The Survival Hunter fantasy – What is it?
I was recently perusing the old Hunter talent trees and was pretty taken aback by how much flavor the specs have lost over the years.
Lightsworn: Reclaiming the class fantasy of Protection Paladins
At this year's DragonCon, Jonathan LeCraft answered a question about class overhauls and revealed that “most” specs will have changes to better align with the “fantasy” of the spec.
Plaguebearer: Reminiscing on Death Knight fantasy and flavor
As the general lull in information about Legion continues, players are largely left to their own devices in attempting to piece together an analysis of what the expansion might bring.
Breakfast Topic: What’s your class fantasy?
Legion has been hinting at class makeovers, which should come as no surprise since we tend to get those with every expansion.