Relearning how to play a Shadow Priest, Balance Druid, or Enhancement Shaman in patch 9.0
Even though every class and spec is getting changed somehow for Shadowlands, not all of them are getting major changes.
Totem Talk: Legion Enhancement Shaman talents and changes
It's here!
Totem Talk: Taking a look at Doomhammer’s artifact traits
It strikes me as a little bit funny that for all of the time in which I've been talking about Enhancement in Legion, I haven't really analyzed the Doomhammer traits in any particular depth.
Totem Talk: What are we waiting to see for Enhancement Shaman?
I've said here -- multiple times, even -- that I'm pretty happy with the state of Enhancement Shaman in Legion.
Totem Talk: Why would you choose Enhancement?
I considered going over the latest set of alpha changes for Enhancement for this week's column, but I ultimately decided against it.
Totem Talk: Latest Enhancement Shaman changes and Old Enhancement
The Legion alpha is rolling along, and the good news is that the changes to Enhancement Shaman seem to be just a wee bit less severe than they were the last time around.
Totem Talk: Enhancement Shaman changes in the latest alpha build
I admit without shame that there's a certain degree of terror every time I see Enhancement Shaman highlighted for major changes.
Totem Talk: Thoughts on Enhancement in the Legion alpha
There is honestly no substitute for actually getting a class in your hands and playing with it.
Totem Talk: What we’ll have as Enhancement Shaman in Legion
One of the responses that I saw from the last column was a question about what in the world Enhancement Shaman is going to look like post-Legion.
Totem Talk: Skills we’re waving farewell to as Enhancement in Legion
If you log in to play your Enhancement Shaman today, you have dead abilities on your bar.