Gaming Toxicity
Are certain classes more likely to be toxic than others?
While writing our less-than-serious guide to choosing a character for WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria, I went back and forth over the Demon Hunter entry a lot.
How do you make sure to keep your criticism constructive?
Even the games I love have things that I don't like. World of Warcraft has the interminable class balance problem that it has always had (and probably will always have) magnified by player perception that if a class isn't exactly as good at every aspect of gameplay as everyone else trying to do that aspect -- yes, I'm looking at you, tanking -- that said class is garbage and must never be brought to a dungeon or raid.
How toxicity in gaming affects the people who make the games
Game developers are human beings with feelings.
Online gaming has always been a real place
Update: This was originally published just for our supporters, but now it's available for everyone.