Holy Paladin
Lightsworn: Maximizing your Holy Paladin for Timewalking
The first Timewalking weekend has come and gone, and after diving back into Burning Crusade classics like Shattered Halls and the Arcatraz, I have to say: Timewalking is a blast.
Lightsworn: Playing the Shockadin
The Shockadin is a Holy Paladin build that trades some of our healing power for the ability to do some legitimate DPS. Named after our signature healing spell, Shockadins use Holy Shock, Denounce and Word of Glory to sear their foes with righteous indignation. It is not a true DPS spec, and we should never regard it as one. But it is absolutely a viable alternative for Holy Paladins who just want to quest without having to hit things with a big stick.
Lightsworn: Helpful healing addons for Holy Paladins
New to playing a Holy Paladin? Looking for some addons to aid you in your healing adventures? Here's some suggestions to help take your healing game to the next level.
Lightsworn: Hellfire Citadel trinkets for the Holy Paladin
Now that the Public Test Realms (PTR) have the Hellfire Citadel trinkets available for testing, let's take a look! There's a pretty good mix this tier -- some straightforward stat pieces, some funky proc/on-use ones, and a few really creative ones that should be a lot of fun to play with.
Lightsworn: Healing the depths of Blackrock Foundry
Let's talk about healing our way through Blackrock Foundry and toppling Blackhand from his fiery crucible. We're looking at all 10 bosses today, so I'm going to keep things brief.
Lightsworn: Patch 6.2 Holy Paladin preview
What's on the table for Holy Paladins in Patch 6.2? Join our new Holy Paladin columnist Rades and find out!