All the info you need to complete You Xal Not Pass, the Season 1 meta achievement for The War Within
Although it's just about time to start our Season 2 adventure in the Undermine, patch 11.0.7 of The War Within gave us a meta-achievement that includes all of the Khaz Algar content up to this point.
How to complete the new Battle for Azeroth meta achievement, coming in patch 11.0.7
With the release of patch 11.0.7, in addition to heading to the Siren Isle to advance the main story of The War Within, those of us who are completionists and achievement hunters will hopping into portals that take us back to Zandalar and Kul Tiras to do a new Battle for Azeroth achievement.
How has the impending Dragonflight release made you re-approach Shadowlands content?
It seems like every single World of Warcraft player in the universe is running Torghast lately.