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Not The Fun Police

The Queue: It’s not my job to ruin your good time

This is something I hadn’t really thought about before, but when someone really loves something I don’t enjoy — be it a game, a movie or TV series or a kind of food or whatever it may be — I’ve made a real, concerted effort lately to not interject with an opinion unless directly solicited, and to couch that opinion as fully as possible in a critique of the thing in question and not people who enjoy it.

I’m not the fun police. If you’re having fun playing something, or watching something, or eating something — if you find a moment of enjoyment in this world, however small, however fleeting, as far as I’m concerned that’s a positive for everyone. I’m really making an attempt to keep this in mind. The whole mentality of relentless negativity has poisoned a lot of discourse, I don’t need to add to it.

This is the Queue. It’s not just enough to let people like things. Be happy that they found something that they enjoy, even if you don’t share their enthusiasm for it.

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