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Praise Azathoth

The Queue: All hail the fifth Old God, Azathoth!

I know what you’re thinking: Kalcheus, you’ve clearly been diving into some old Tin Foil Hat articles if you’re dredging up the old Azathoth=Azeroth theory, but hear me out. When Y’shaarj got yanked out of Azeroth it caused a lot of bleeding but there’s no evidence the titans took a good look at the wound. What if it’s like a tick, where they tell you not to rip them off because it can leave behind a head — perhaps there’s a part of Y’shaarj still in the planet somewhere, ready to infect Azeroth. Granted, none of this syncs up with all of the various ruminations lately on a 5th old god, it’s just a thought I had.

Since I’m writing this on Tuesday night and am sure nothing of importance will be announced Wednesday morning let’s answer some questions!

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