Protection Warrior
The Warrior’s Charge: 7.1.5 and the unknown
As of the writing of this post, we don't know anything about 7.1.5 and Warriors.
The Warrior’s Charge: Warrior performance in the Emerald Nightmare raid
Okay, now I've raided Emerald Nightmare and killed enough bosses (plus seen bosses I haven't killed yet) as both a tank and as DPS.
The Warrior’s Charge: Tanking nerfs and Prot Warrior DPS
By now we've all seen that Blizzard is going to nerf tank damage across the board.
The Warrior’s Charge: Warrior leveling to 110
Okay, so I'm not super fast at leveling.
The Warrior’s Charge: What to do once patch 7.0 drops
Okay, you're a Warrior and you just logged in for the first time after patch 7.0 dropped.
The Warrior’s Charge: Tanking Design in the Legion beta
I'm writing this column purely from a Warrior standpoint, and purely as someone who has tanked on a Warrior and Death Knight.
The Warrior’s Charge: Warriors and class lore in Legion
Alphas are notorious for their changes.
The Warrior’s Charge: A Gladiator’s Resolve
If you don't know, then it falls upon me to tell you that Gladiator's Resolve, the level 100 talent that lets Protection Warriors DPS with a sword and shield, has been removed in Legion.
The Warrior’s Charge: Fury and Protection in Legion
Okay, so I've now tanked and DPS'd in various dungeons and I can say the following: Fury is fun in a dungeon.
The Warrior’s Charge: Protection tanking in Legion
There were only two dungeons available in the Legion alpha -- well, before they shut down the alpha for the holidays, anyway.