Roleplaying Guide
Role Play: How to approach roleplayers
So you've gotten all of the character creation out of the way and come up with an amazing story for your new roleplaying character.
Role Play: How to encourage new roleplayers
If you've been roleplaying for years, chances are you've encountered new roleplayers before -- people who have obviously not tried to roleplay before, whether they didn't have the chance to, or if they're new to the game.
Role Play: Starting over with a roleplay character
Just because you roll a certain class and make a raiding main, it doesn't mean you're obligated to stick with that main.
Role Play: Finding a roleplaying guild
Roleplaying is pretty much a social activity.
Role Play: Roleplaying origins and Demon Hunters
I had an interesting question pop up in the Queue last week regarding roleplaying origins and, more specifically, the upcoming Demon Hunter class we'll be seeing in Legion.
Role Play: End of expansion roleplay
You don't necessarily have to utilize current game lore for your roleplay, but many players choose to do so.
Role Play: Dropping character while roleplaying
Roleplaying in World of Warcraft can be a lot of fun, whether it's random walk-up roleplay or roleplaying with a large group of friends.
Role Play: Roleplaying combat
Conflict is one of those things that comes up often in roleplay.
Role Play: When a roleplay partner calls it quits
You can be perfectly happy with the game, the people around you, and the roleplay you've found, but that's not always the case for everyone else.
Role Play: Lore and questing in roleplay
World of Warcraft is a gigantic game, full of plenty of things to do besides just roleplaying -- obviously if you want to roleplay with anyone, anywhere, you should probably be max level in order to get where you need to be.