BlizzCaps: Decorating the gates
Submitter Esmarallda of Deathtacular on Llane (US-H) writes, "Some guilds.
BlizzCaps: Way back home
"I remember the temple as it used to be ..." writes submitter Asaani of the Queue on Nesingwary (US-A).
BlizzCaps: Back in the high life again
"Every once in awhile, when you're cleaning out that screenshot folder, you stumble upon something you don't remember taking but which is soooo cool," writes submitter Gausette.
BlizzCaps: They died as they lived
"After lighting the incense Lorewalker Cho had given her, the smoke showed Claire Forgemaster of Decoden (EU-H) a vision of her ancestors," writes today's submitter.
BlizzCaps: Hot fun in the summertime
"Being a well known celebrity adventurer, I get a lot of invitations to holiday parties," writes submitter Dorelei of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A).
BlizzCaps: It’s just dry lightning
Today's submitter writes, "As lightning struck down another Sunreaver and her dragonhawk, for some reason, Nekhii of Decoden on Aszune couldn't get the letters ACDC out of her head.
BlizzCaps: Bloody and bright
Today's submitter writes, "After a couple hours spent killing wildlife while avoiding D.E.H.T.A., Siineiin of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A) mounted her trusty Hearthsteed and ...
BlizzCaps: This is beartown
Beta tester Nganga of Pact of War on Silver Hand (US-H) writes, I was exploring the Legion beta when I walked into this cave and found it bear-icaded." Ugh.
BlizzCaps: Stirring the pot
"I've been on a mission to kill ogres," writes submitter Gimmlette of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A).
BlizzCaps: Like reindeer in the sky
Okay, stop right there.