BlizzCaps: Pray tomorrow gets me higher
Submitter Starbück of the Queue on Nesingwary (US-A) writes, "I noticed you didn't have any David Bowie-themed screenshots on BlizzCaps yet, so I tried to think of one to take.
BlizzCaps: An angel in devil’s shoes
Captain Hindsight of Know Your Horde on Nesingwary (US-H) was looking for a good Charlie's Angels transmog.
BlizzCaps: Green gnomes roasting on an open fire
Our "anonymous" submitter writes, "It can be tough living in a large stone building.
BlizzCaps: The beta blues
Today's screenshot, from submitter Lib Feathers, dates back to the Warlords of Draenor beta.
BlizzCaps: Watch your step
We'd tell you to watch that last step, but apparently it's a little too late.
BlizzCaps: All I wanted was some fireworks
Jakeinator on Twitter sent in today's news report with live footage of an altercation in front of the Dalaran bank.
BlizzCaps: The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire
"Now, I'm not saying we set the house on fire on purpose," prevaricates submitter Epicurian of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A).
BlizzCaps: The dating game
Submitter Zadji of Pirate Scum on Suramar (US-A) writes, "Some people say the Queen of the Black Dragonflight would never be interested in dating a skeletal, reanimated orc.
BlizzCaps: Spies like us
Submitter Tereza Blackthorne of the Queue on Nesingwary (US-A) surreptitiously recorded this conversation with Prince Anduin.
BlizzCaps: Didn’t we shamble
Submitter Corin of Pocket Apocalypse on Shadowsong (US-A) knows you need to keep your Army of the Dead happy, and there's nothing the shambling undead enjoy more than a nice day out at the park!