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🔒 Watching Blizzard: Don’t mention it (really don’t mention it)
We're not talking about Overwatch League because my favorite underdogs — everyone's favorite underdogs, really — the Dragons lost their latest match.
🔒 Watching Blizzard: It’s Overwatch League night!
We're just few short minutes from this week's Overwatch League kickoff, featuring my favorite underdogs the Shanghai Dragons.
🔒 Watching Blizzard: Happy Tuesday?
After wishing you all a happy Monday yesterday, we are left with the eternal question...
🔒 Watching Blizzard: Happy Monday!
I've been told that wishing someone a happy Monday is grounds to contact the HR department, but fortunately we don't have an HR department.
🔒 Watching Blizzard: A sad news day
I don't have much to add to the post I wrote earlier, except that I will definitely miss Ben Brode.
🔒 Watching Blizzard: Who even knows what time it is anymore
In our last roundup post, I congratulated myself for posting Tuesday's roundup on Tuesday.
🔒 Blizzard should enable cross-faction grouping
One of the issues the developers acknowledged during Media Day was the current faction imbalance in high end raid guilds.
🔒 Watching Blizzard: Hey! It’s still Tuesday!
Usually I write today's roundup so late that it's technically tomorrow, but today is apparently the miraculous day when I'm getting this done early.
🔒 Watching Blizzard: Get out, Monday
I'm done with you, Monday.
🔒 Watching Blizzard: It’s a rainbow connection (of terror)
We've arrived on Friday once again, which means it's time to get the heck out of the office and go play some video games.